Catch Twenty-Two by Marie James

Posted March 23, 2020 in review Tags: , ,

Catch Twenty-Two by Marie JamesCatch Twenty-Two by Marie James
Pages: 258

Series: Westover Prep #2
Setting: Utah, Colorado
Source: ARC, Publisher/PR
Also in this series: One Eighty
Also by this author: One Eighty, Aro

He can't stand anything about her, but can't keep his hands off of her.


I wasn't looking for him.
He found me.
With his sexy smirk and irresistible body.
I wanted nothing to do with someone like him.
Judgmental and brooding.
So full of himself.
But now, I'm stuck playing the fool.
Falling for him.
And losing it all.
If only for one night.


Stuffy, rich, entitled.
The kind of girl that gets what she wants.
When she wants it.
And I want nothing to do with her.
Yet, I can't stay away.
I'm drawn to her kindness and compassion.
Her beauty.
She holds me when the pain won't subside.
And now, if I can help it, I'm going to hold on to her…

Catch Twenty-Two is the second book in the Westover Prep series. This is Zeke and Frankie’s story and it begins on a ranch in Utah, not at Westover Prep!

Zeke isn’t as hate-able as Dalton was in the beginning. Zeke is a teenage boy who feels like he has absolutely NO control over his life. His family is struggling financially and he knows that the best he will ever be is a ranch hand. So, he does what many teenagers do when they are frustrated: they lash out at someone. So, he says some horrible things, but as an outsider, you can understand it. Dalton, on the other hand, went out of his way to be horrible to Piper and Frankie for YEARS. Now, Zeke was still a jerk; just a more understandable jerk.

Frankie was introduced to us in book 1, but we really get to understand her in Catch Twenty-Two. She, like Piper, has been bullied for as long as she can remember and sort of just expects it. She does have moments where she stands up to Zeke and I really enjoyed seeing that side of her. I also appreciated that her actions when standing up to him weren’t over the top. Standing up to a bully is tough and it felt very realistic of her to respond in smaller actions.

Zeke and Frankie have chemistry and getting Zeke’s POV makes that really clear. Zeke is such a complicated character that I think lots of readers will connect with him. Catch Twenty-Two will have readers cheering for Zeke and Frankie!



How to Date a Douchebag series by Sara Ney, Surviving Amber Springs by Siobhan Davis…then you will probably like Catch Twenty-Two!


Catch Twenty-Two


catch twenty-two


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