Pretend You’re Safe by Alexandra Ivy: Review

Posted August 25, 2017 in review Tags: , ,

Pretend You’re Safe by Alexandra Ivy: ReviewPretend You're Safe by Alexandra Ivy
Pages: 352
Series: The Agency
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: Rage/Killian, Kill Without Mercy, Kayden/Simon, Blade
Amazon iBooks Audible


First came the floods. Then came the bodies. The victims strangled, then buried along the shores of the Mississippi have finally been unearthed, years after they disappeared. He remembers every satisfying kill . . . each woman s terror and agony. But there s only one he truly wanted. And fate has brought her within reach again . . .

HE KNOWS YOUJaci Patterson was sixteen when she found the first golden locket on her porch. Inside were a few strands of hair wrapped around a scrap of bloodstained ribbon. Though the gifts kept arriving, no one believed her hunch that a serial killer was at work. Now Jaci has returned home . . . and the nightmare is starting once more.

AND HE LL NEVER LET YOU GOBack then, Rylan Cooper was an arrogant deputy sheriff convinced that Jaci was just an attention seeking teen. It was a fatal mistake. There s a murderer in their midst, someone determined to settle old scores and keep playing a twisted game. And it won t end until Jaci is his forever . . .

Alexandra Ivy gives readers a nice balance of romance and suspense in her fast-paced, well-plotted novel. Kat Martin, New York Times bestselling author"

Pretend You’re Safe brought me back to my first discovery of Alexandra Ivy, Kill Without Mercy. She writes such compelling suspense stories! Jaci, the heroine, lives in a small Missouri town, eking out a life by renting out her farmland and selling baked goods. 10 years ago she was the target of a stalker, but no one took her seriously. Now, there are bodies turning up after some flooding rains and Jaci’s stalker has returned. She worries that once again, no one will believe her and she will be left to deal with it on her own.

There are plenty of people who jumped out as creepers to me. First, the sheriff, Mike, is kind of douche-y. He is one of those power trip guys, who wants everyone to be in awe of him. He and Jaci went out a few times, but she felt nothing for him. He has asked her out frequently, but she kept saying no. So, he jumped to the top of my suspect list. Then there is her asshole half brother. I’m pretty sure he is a psychopath and his parents (her mom and step dad) are aware of it, but use their money and power to hide it. Then there is her step dad, who does some shady shit. Again, maybe he is trying to cover up his son’s sins, but either way, he is acting suspicious. Next on my list is the town photographer. He came back to this tiny town in the middle of nowhere Missouri to open an art gallery? WTF? Who the hell is gonna buy his stuff in this tiny farming town. They aren’t close to any big cities! Seems weird to me, and that makes him a suspect. Then there is her neighbor, who has means and opportunity, so he is a suspect. Then there is the deputy who hid information….yeah, there is no want for suspects in the story for sure!!!! I mean, maybe its not a man. It could be her bitch of a half sister. Or hell, her mega bitch of a mom! See what I mean-no want for suspects even in this tiny town!

Rylan is our hero. He grew up in the town, and his father still lives there. He has a degree in criminal justice and started a very profitable business with his friend. He lives happily in California, but came home to help his father with a few things around the farm because of all the rain. Rylan kept his distance from Jaci when they were in school, so they were never friends. I struggled to warm to Rylan as a hero because he pushed Jaci away when they were young because he knew she had feelings for him and he didn’t like that. I just imagine Jaci as a teenager: her mom and half siblings treat her like typhoid Mary, her crush is actively staying away and making her feel like an idiot for being concerned over some pranks, and her dad is dead. I wanted to punch all these assholes in the face, Rylan included.

The story is told in 3rd person omniscient so you get to see into the killers mind, which I always love. Ivy does this and still manages to maintain anonymity of the killer which is great as well. Ivy drops little, tiny clues throughout the story to help you eliminate suspects or narrow it down, but they are easy to miss if you aren’t paying close attention. The red herrings are much easier to catch!

If you like creepy suspense stories with a brave heroine who isn’t an idiot, Pretend You’re Safe will keep you up reading long past your bedtime. It will also make you seriously look at everyone in your life a little differently because anyone could be a psychopath!


Overall: four-stars

After the Dark by Cynthia Eden, The Devil’s Daughter by Katee Robert…then you will probably like Pretend You’re Safe!


Pretend You’re Safe

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About Alexandra Ivy

About Alexandra:

Like most writers, I was born with an avid love for reading. Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a book in my hand or wasn’t dreaming up wild stories in my head. And when I stepped into my local library for the first time I thought it was paradise. There were so many books on the shelves I didn’t know where to start!
Still, I didn’t plan to grow up and become a writer. I was much more interested in a glorious career as an actress on Broadway.
I followed my dream by acquiring a degree in theatre and performing for several years in summer-stock productions, but after I married my college sweetheart I decided to put the career on hold while we started a family. After the arrival of my two sons, Chance and Alex, I found myself seeking a new creative outlet and decided to turn my occasional scribblings into a genuine effort to get published.
I’d like to say that I was an overnight success, but the truth is that it took years before I finally got ‘the call’. The rejections were painful, but now I’m relieved. All those manuscripts that I thought were the next Great American Novel are now exactly where they belong…gathering dust under my bed.
They did, however, help me learn my craft, and just as importantly, they gave me the opportunity to enjoy writing in a wide variety of genres as I searched for my voice. Which no doubt explains why I started writing traditional regencies under the name Debbie Raleigh and then moved to steamy historicals under the name Deborah Raleigh before transforming into a contemporary paranormal writer as Alexandra Ivy. Now my career spans everything from erotica to romantic suspense.
When I’m not writing I love to travel, it doesn’t matter where I’m going as long as it doesn’t include any cooking or cleaning. I also love to spend time with my family who continue to be my greatest source of inspiration. And since some things never change…when I have a few minutes, you can still find me with a book in my hand!

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