Pages: 117

Such a pretty boy. Kip Klein has heard this for a very long time. Apparently that was all he was ever good at anyway. His own mother despised him for looking like his deceased father. It forced him from his small hometown to the big city of Chicago. Lights. Camera. Action. Welcomed with open arms into the career of modeling, Kip finds himself doing anything to keep his name and image out there including showing off his assets for the ladies. Losing his edge, Kip is sent home to Hawker Flats to rediscover just what made him rough. He discovers much more than past memories. The latest Summer fling. Could her life get any harder? Summer Sadler is orphaned, a guardian to her half-brother and working every waking hour she can. On the verge of bankruptcy, she is duped and used for the land that she owns. Was it too much to hope that the torture would end? Just one more kiss. Summer didn’t expect to collide with Kip Klein, but collide she did. The rigid muscles and tantalizing voice chase away all reason to keep her distance. Maybe one kiss will cure everything. Maybe one kiss will destroy them both.
author with her debut erotic romance novella, Pretty Boy. She always wanted to
write and it was a dream full-filled. She thinks that everyone should take a
risk and do something unexpected.
Midwest, M. Kay grew up inspired by the written word. Loving academics, she
received her bachelor’s degree in agri-business and went on to get her master’s
degree in business administration. The sky is the limit!
Author Interview
>>A couple of reader friends and I were talking about male models and how they have become so popular in the industry (especially Indie) and I started to wonder if they were forced to do things that maybe they wouldn’t like so much just to keep their following. I don’t think the idea is as far fetched as it seemed at first. I think most of our fears are being forgotten when you are on top.2. Do you have any rituals when writings (do you have to listen to music, or be in a certain chair, etc)
>>No rituals so much, although this is my first book. I always sit down with a stack of scratch paper, a drink, and a snack. I’m not that superstitious, I guess.3. Do you ‘map out’ a story before writing or do you just go with it?
>>I just started writing. I really had no idea where it was going. I knew what Kip wanted to say, but beyond that it was mad typing and then major editing.
4. What books do you have coming up that we should keep an eye out for?
>>I haven’t planned any further books, honestly. A few readers have asked for more of Summer and Kip. A couple suggestions to me were to use other male models or some of his friends from the book. We shall see. You’ll be just as surprised as me!
5. What is your favorite genre to read? Who are some of your one-click authors?
>>I am totally enthralled with S.E. Hall and Angela Graham. I read just about everything. My favorite genre is romance and anything remotely sticking to it, I’ll read it.
6. How do you choose a title? How do you choose your character names? Do you try to avoid naming them after people you know?
>>Pretty Boy as a title came easily. I thought about how lots of people think models are just pretty faces and that they really have nothing else to offer. As it coems to character names, I chose Summer for her comparison to the season. She’s beautiful, but really hard to know. Sometimes she can just be too hot to hold. As far as the others, I try really hard not to rhyme. That isn’t as easy as you think it might be 🙂
7. Ok this is a question I call ‘favorites’. Just tell us your favorite of each of these things:
a. Color >>Blue
b. Food >>Chinese
c. TV show >>Rookie Blue
d. Movie >>The Other Woman
e. Book >>Handled by S.E. Hall and Angela Graham
f. Author >>A.C. Wilson, Shevawn Michelle, and Sara Zook
g. PC or Mac >>PC
h. Coke or Pepsi >>Pepsi but really Mt. Dew

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