Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [9 Oct] Stronger by Janet Nissenson
- [10 Oct] Game On by Victoria Denault ★★★★
- [10 Oct] Rescuing Bryn by Susan Stoker ★★★★
- [11 Oct] Hold Tight by Alexa Riley ★★★★
- [12 Oct] Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh ★★★★★
- [12 Oct] Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh ★★★★
- [12 Oct] Caressed By Ice by Nalini Singh ★★★★
- [14 Oct] Theirs to Take by Laura Kaye ★★★★
What’s Coming Up:
- Daddy Defender by Janie Crouch
- Wicked Beginnings by LA Cotton
- Mating Needs by Milly Taiden
Last week I finally reviewed several audiobooks I finished recently, and I got ahead on my scheduled reviews. I might even be able to get a few books from my TBR list read this week!
This Week’s New Releases:
Open Giveaways:
- An eBook copy of Game On by Victoria Denault
What I Found Online:
- Renee at Addicted to Romance shared her thoughts on the NYTimes article about upcoming romance books. Spoiler alert-the NYTimes article was NOT very good if you enjoy romance novels.
This Week’s Book Haul:
Non-Bookish News:
So, yeah, as the title suggests, not much happened so I got nothing to share. Pretty low key week overall. Work is still stressful, but this was the week of field trips so like 1/2 the kids weren’t there on any given day. I was able to get caught up on some things with so many students gone. Most of the teachers weren’t moving on to new content with so many absences. The 1st quarter ends this coming Friday, so the students have all gotten panic-y about their grades and they are more focused this week than they have been all year. Its kind of nice, but their stress makes me stress because they are so high strung!
So my dogs hate when my husband cooks things. He set off the smoke alarms one too many times for their liking. Now whenever he cooks anything, the dogs hide. He hasn’t set off the smoke alarm since we moved to the new house but it doesn’t matter to the dogs. Where do they hide? My closet. Ignore the mess. They like to move things around to make sure they are comfortable.
Many of you commented on my Motiv ring so I decided a picture was in order. Its made of titanium and you get a sizing kit in the mail first. Once you select a size, then you use a special code to order your ring. I think its been great at keeping me aware of my activity level without being annoying like my apple watch! Its also waterproof to a certain depth and it holds its charge for about 3 days. So, you wear it nonstop-in the shower, swimming, etc. Then, when its time to charge it, it will fully charge in about an hour! It does a great job of sleep tracking as well. It even catches my sleep when I nap 🙂 You can get the info on the website if you are interested.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

I love the pic of the dogs cowering in your closet:). And that Motiv ring looks really convenient. I hope the coming week is less stressful and more eventful – if that makes sense. Failing that, chilling out and reading is always an option… Take care. My Sunday Post – https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2017/10/15/sunday-post-15th-october-2017/
I love seeing your Nalini Singh mini binge read. – I love that author and can’t wait to read her next book. Apparently she has a new series coming.
I can’t wait to read Ruthless King – but I’m thinking of waiting until the entire trilogy is released – I hate waiting. 😉
On the other hand I just started Bountiful and I’m already loving it.
Have a great Sunday and happy reading!!!
I’m cracking up at that picture of your dogs! My pupper does that whenever the vacuum leaves the closet. (My pup actaully looks like a yellower-version of your big guy)
I just discovered Lexi Blake’s Theives series this weekend and am really excited for both that series and the spin-off. Also very intrigued by K. Bromberg’s new book!
Happy reading, Samantha and hope you have a smooth (less stressful) end to your school quarter!
I read and loved Kate Meader’s latest book So Over You, it was such a great mix of romance and sport! And its such a good feeling to be ahead of your reviews, I will catch up one day! I hope you have a great week! 🙂
Oh I am glad you liked it. She is a new to me author and I grabbed the book at the request of the publisher so I was a bit unsure. But it sounds good!
Thanks for sharing the ring, I was curious. OMG, that is so funny about your dogs and husband. I hope you get lots of reading done this week.
I really do like the motiv ring. So far, I have been very pleased!
Lol those poor puppies! That is very funny!
Nothing weeks are my favorite, once my daughter is done with cheering I am looking forward to nothing weekends 🙂
That Motiv Ring is interesting, need to check out the website because god knows I could use all the motivation I can get.
Have a great week, Samantha! happy Reading!
Oooh! Your puppies!! I hope you have a less stressful week next week!
Your dogs are adorable and it so funny how they hide when your husband cooks. Our dog hides when she hears the word “bath”, even if we aren’t talking about her lol. I can’t wait to read So Over It and I hope you enjoy it. I loved the first book. I hope you have a great week and happy reading!
Nice to see you enjoyed Alexa Riley’s Hold Tight. I have that one, too. Your dogs look cozy in your closet. I used to set the smoke alarm off every time I made tacos, (the oil smoking) and my cats would run and hide, too. Enjoy your week Samantha! 🙂
That’s nice that your week was low key. Sorry about the kids being stressed. I understand how you feel. It’s like stress can be contagious. ^_^ Oh your poor babies. They learned that Daddy isn’t a good cook =/ … To funny!! I love your book haul. I hope you enjoy Ms. Spears. I had trouble with her first book in the Wolves series. Can’t remember what made it difficult maybe because it was the first book in the series. The Cowboy SEAL Homecoming looks good. Hope you enjoy. Happy reading!
So your week was like mine, nothing too crazy 🙂 Lol that’s too funny about the dogs hiding! Have a great week 🙂
That’s so funny about your dogs. When my sister lived with me the same ting happened. And they always hid in the back of my closet too. I leanred to create a space for them. LOL
That’s funny about the dogs! Conditioned response ha ha. And the students-worried about their grades at the end of the period! Probably not fun for the teaches though!
Have a good week! 🙂
How funny with your dogs!!! I am keeping my on the ring for when it is Android compatible. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!
Hooray for having a bit of catch-up time while a lot of the kids were on field trips. Too funny about your dogs. I really do like the idea of the Motiv. I was showing the YouTube video to my husband over the weekend. I like that it’s small and not in the way (like a watch or bracelet). Love the Introvert video! OMG that’s hilarious. 🙂
Wait, your dogs hide when your husband cooks? That hilarious. When you were talking about not having full classes dues to field trips, I remember one of my “bad teacher” things I used to do. I would check the attendance to see if certain kids were absent, and if they were, I did a happy dance, because I knew my day was going to be a little easier, because they were not there.
Cuffed looks like a very interesting read! I’m looking forward to ur review!