Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
- [15 Aug] #SundayPost: August 15th
- [16 Aug] The Dating Playbook by Farrah Rochon ★★★★
- [17 Aug] Elite Starfighter by Grace Goodwin ★★★★
- [17 Aug] A Terrible Fall of Angels by Laurell K. Hamilton ★★★½
- [20 Aug] Crooked Crows by Elena Lawson ★★★★
- [20 Aug] #FreebieFriday: August 20th

- Saving Danger by Katie Reus
- All the Queen’s Men by K. Lorainne
@scottevandavisNo room. #fyp #foryou #sarcasm #princeofsnarkness #standupcomedy #funny #humor #snarkasm
We have been in school for 1 and a 1/2 weeks and the covid cases are getting ridiculous. I teach in a rural district, so masks and vaccines are not popular, so there is no mask mandate and teachers aren’t required to be vaccinated. So, 1/2 my class was missing last week because they either tested positive or had to quarantine. What a way to start the year, huh? I will be wearing a mask from now on. I just cant imagine how terrible I would feel if I was responsible for getting one of my student’s sick?
I did a bit more of my school psychology hours, meet with my supervisor, and am working on learning an intelligence screener this weekend.
Things have been stressful in the classroom because my new co-teacher and I have VERY different views on how a classroom should run. I like routine and structure. She has never even given the kids clear cut rules and expectations outside of the school PBIS matrix. So, some materials they keep in the room, some they put in their locker. Nothing has been turned in all week, so we have no grades for the first 8 school days (not counting weekends or anything). Our curriculum is scripted, but she hasn’t looked at it yet. It is hard for me because it’s not my classroom, but I know I’m going to have to find time in the chaos to work with my IEP kids. Its stressful and difficult, but that is pretty much the theme of this school year. Sigh.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

My heart/trunk — my word! I was laughing. Well your teaching situation sounds quite difficult for many reasons. I hope you and your co-teacher can get on the same page or at least meet in the middle. Stay safe and healthy.
We have a mask mandate where I am a school librarian. And while I hate wearing a mask, I get it, and am just thankful we are getting to have kids back in person, where I think they will be the most successful! Although it’s getting stressful at my new job where they keep adding duties to my load that were not part of what I accepted the job for. They are making me earn every penny I’m getting more than what I had at my last job. Oh well. Maybe once school gets going and I get in the swing of things I’ll be happier. Our kids start back on Monday. I dealt with my first library job with a co-librarian who had never been a classroom teacher, so that was a pain, and then the last co-librarian I had made me be the “bad cop” all the time because he just wanted to be friends with all the students. Ugh. Now I have my own library, but I have an aide, and it’s weird to be a boss in a way, and I’m going to have to figure that out. Ah, grass is always greener, or not, right? Hope you have a better week!
Rough week. Thank God for books, eh.
You inspired my own Sunday Post: https://jhohadli.wordpress.com/2021/08/22/sundaypost-and-reading-journal-august-22nd-2021
I hope things settle down. I am afraid things will get worse with COVID before they get better. We are pulling back from things other than some medical appts although I have switched to getting my own groceries or pickup rather than Instacart. I’ll be happier when the weather cools a bit too. Wishing you a better week ahead!
Oh Gosh your co-teacher seems a nightmare! That would make me nuts Samantha!! And talking about makss I think it’s the wise decision.
Oooph! I’d be stressed by work if I was dealing with that too. 🙁 I hope things improve for you soon.
OMG that video was hilarious. And his delivery was so perfect. 🙂
Ugh, the situation with the co-teacher sounds stressful. I can’t imagine working in such a chaotic environment. That can’t be good for anyone.