Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
What’s Coming Up:
- The Highland Renegade by Amy Jarecki
- Evidence of Desire by Lexi Blake
- Trails of Love by Melissa Foster
- It Ain’t Me Babe by Tillie Cole
This Week’s New Releases:
What I Found Online:
- If you are a romance reader, check out Romanceopoly! I’m going to attempt it!
- Wanna Tackle Your TBR? Head over to Kimberly Faye Read‘s challenge!
- Are you doing the PopSugar challenge this year? Check it out!
This Week’s Book Haul:
Audible Romance Package:
eARCs thanks to the authors:
Audio ARC thanks to Tantor Audio:
Non-Bookish News:
I’m trying to get myself ready to go back to school Monday. I feel like this…
But, alas, I must or else they won’t pay me. Pray for some snow days!!
I had a doctors appointment on Monday. Turns out I had a sinus infection and an ear infection. At least I am feeling better now. Friday I had my bloodwork appointment. I didn’t pass out so thats an improvement! My doctors want me to cut carbs. I’m not a fan because I love potatoes. And Rice. And chocolate. And candy. This is gonna be TOUGH!
Thats pretty much all that happened this week. Low key!
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

Yeah cutting carbs can be really difficult since so many good things have them…I just try to be smart about what carbs I have. I just stay away from most breads and then and stick with brown rice and still do potatoes just not as often. Sorry to hear you have had some infections…those are no fun for sure.
Long breaks are always hard to return from, and you have the added “treat” of working with kids, who are also trying to recover and get back into the swing of things. Good luck! Gold star for getting through your bloodwork. I usually vomit and then pass out. I have to do a health screening at my job every year to get a $500 credit towards our insurance. One part is a finger prick, and I always end up on the floor, woozy, and almost unconscious. It’s a struggle. Best of luck with the carbs. That is hard, but you may reap many rewards by following this diet.
Hope you feel better, I had a nasty cold this last week, it’s sort of going away now.
Cutting Carbs sounds unpleasant, I would miss so much! I should cut back on them but they are soooooo delicious!
Have a great week, Samantha! Happy Reading!
I just got over a cold. Luckily it wasn’t really bad. Nice to hear you are feeling better. Good luck with classes and Happy New Year! And I hear you about Carbs. My favorite food group! LOL
Melissa Foster is one that I’ve been meaning to try *forever.* I even own a couple by her but it still hasn’t happened yet.
Hope you’re feeling better after the sinus/ear infections. Those are miserable.
Cutting carbs? Ugh! I could LIVE on potatoes so that would be sooo hard for me.
I’m right there with you about going back tomorrow. Do you have a PD day or kids? We’re PD, which is sometimes worse – I’m there so close to all this work that needs to be done but stuck in a meeting.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, nothing like going back and being sick! Good luck with the carbs, they’re my enemy too 🙂
Way too many folks were sick over the holiday break. I hope you’re feeling a lot better now. Low-key is awesome. We are gluten-free so rice and potatoes are most of our carbs now. One of my friends who was pre-something was cutting carbs and she couldn’t have hardly any fruit because it has more carbs than you’d think. The weather is so nice here right now in the 60s I am grilling and pairing it with steamed veggies or salads.
I have some Melissa Foster freebies but haven’t read her work yet.
Good luck and have a great back to school week!
Nice book haul. I like what you got from the Romance Package. Hope you enjoy. Sinus infection, oh yuck. Hope you are feeling better. I’m glad school is starting. It’s been a long two weeks with my 7-year-old home for winter break. Have a great week!
Glad you’re feeling better now. I’m with you on not wanting to go back to work… Why can’t someone pay me to just mooch around my house doing fun stuff?!
A Discovery of Witches is awesome. Hope you enjoy!
I refer to myself as a carb-o-holic, so cutting carbs would be so hard for me! I practically live on pasta and rice! Good luck to you and I’m glad that you are feeling a bit better!
I’m so sorry you wern’t feeling well, but glad you’re doing better. Sinus infections and ear infections suck on their own, but together is just nightmare fuel.
Cutting carbs is very hard, but overall better for overall health. Once you find some non-carby food you like it’ll just be a matter of getting used to it. I hope the transition isn’t too bad on you .
Lol, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for snow days for you ?
Well…I think it’s always hard to get back in the groove after the holidays. Happy New Year.
I love all the carbs so when I had to change how I eat it was tough too. Grrr. Why can’t we just eat what we want lol?
Hope your start back was okay- the end of holiday break is always the worst!
I hope you are feeling better! My kids don’t go back to school until Thursday the 10th and they are not ready. They want to stay home. It is so hard to get back into the groove of things when we’ve been on break for a while. Finding Alexei sounds like it something I want to check ASAP. I hope you have a wonderful week and Happy New Year!
Good luck with Romanceopoly! It sounds fun, but not my type unfortunately. I tried the PopSugar challenge once, but somehow ended up failing, whoops. I’m glad you’re feeling better despite the infection! And oof… I can’t imagine getting rid of chocolate in my life or cutting it… (I really should).