Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [15 Sep] #SundayPost: When does fall arrive?
- [16 Sep] Risk Everything by Janie Crouch ★★★★
- [17 Sep] Reveal by K. Bromberg ★★★★★
- [18 Sep] The Game You Play by L.A. Cotton ★★★½
- [19 Sep] Hold on to Hope by AL Jackson #CoverReveal
- [20 Sep] Bayside Romance by Melissa Foster ★★★½
- [20 Sep] #FreebieFriday: September 20th
What’s Coming Up:
- Wrapped up in You by Jill Shalvis
- Archangel’s War by Nalini Singh
- Make Me Fall by Ember Leigh
This Week’s New Releases:
What I Found Online:
- The amazing Ezrah at I heart romance and YA is doing a feature called “Read a romance Blog” and this week she featured little ole me!
This Week’s Book Haul:
Non-Bookish News:
So fall is suppose to begin Monday. However, I think someone forgot to tell the planet. Also, we haven’t had rain in so long we are worried about fires. Its been crazy. This week was in the mid to upper 80’s and there doesn’t appear to be any relief in sight.
Otherwise, it was a low key week. My reading has been awful lately. I’m just so tired (I think I caught a cold from the germ factory aka school). When I come home, I put on my pj’s and veg. I can’t focus on a book at all.
Its been a bit since I gave an update on my ear. Honestly, nothing much has changed. Its not any worse. But, the hearing gain I was hoping for hasn’t happened either. Occasionally I will think maybe its a bit better, but its really not. My final follow up and hearing test is October 21. I’ve made peace with the idea that it is, essentially, the same. The surgery didn’t make it better, but I’m no worse off than I started either. I do think there are some benefits-having an actual ear drum is a good thing, so I am okay with it. For now…sometimes that feeling changes.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

I am so sorry to hear that your hearing hasnt improved at all. That really is horrible especially with doing the surgery. But sometimes we have to accept what life hands us. Keep being strong and great love.
I can’t wait to read your feature on “I Heart Romance” love her blog so much and love that she is doing this.
I am sorry to hear that you still had no progress on the hearing side Samantha! If you can make peace with it you’ll feel more at peace but I admire you, really!
I hear you on the pjs and too tired to do much reading. I’m trying to go to bed a bit earlier to fit in a bit of time. I do better with audiobooks I can listen while running around all day doing things. I’m sorry the surgery wasn’t more helpful.
This year was not the year for any weather breaks. First you had rain that wouldn’t end. Now it is hot and dry. I just wish it would be 75-80, instead of 85-90 all the time. or even 80-85. It was cooler for about half this week and I was so happy with it.
Have a wonderful week and I hope you can enjoy some reading!
I need to read more Nalini Singh! I just finished the first audiobook in The Lady Sherlock Series and was unimpressed. I thought it took too long for the story to get from point A to point B, but it was an interesting read. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue with the series or not. I get frustrated with how women are treated during that time period.
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ?
Sorry to hear the news about your hearing. It does sound like your in a settled place with the outcome, though, and that’s a good thing. I also caught a cold (from my granddaughter) and I feel out of sorts too. It’s still hot here, too, currently 95 degrees, but it cools off quicker and I’m starting to feel Fall in the air. I’ve heard this is the hottest year on the books. Thank you global warming. 🙁
I guess we both have the challenge of reviewing Archangel’s War without spoiling anything! Good luck to both of us, lol. 🙂
Sorry you didn’t get the results you were hoping for. At least you tried? I have been loving the cool evenings, but it’s a bit too hot during the day. I am ready for sweater weather. Bring it on!
I cannot BELIEVE it’s almost officially fall. I mean I love fall, but man… time. It’s flying! Hope you get a cooldown and some rain soon. Temps have been crazy some places.
I’m sorry to hear the surgery results have been disappointing. That has to be frustrating, but maybe things will still improve? Either way wishing you the best with it. Take care and have a good week!
So sorry that your surgery didn’t give you the results you were hoping for. That would be very disappointing!!
I hope that further healing will bring further improvement.
Have a great week, I hope your reading mojo returns soon
I’m sorry about the results. And I hope things improve. Our weather is very similar. The grass crackles when I walk on it!
Oh no! I was really hoping for a super positive outcome on the hearing. I’ll be hoping that it’s just taking longer to assimilate or something. I also hope you CA be at peace with whatever the outcome 🙂