Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

- Court of the Vampire Queen by Katee Robert
- Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
Gen X is lucky to have survived and we have no proof of any of it!
@samjrd11 ##dadjokes #over40 #90s #genx #teenagedirtbag #trending ♬ Teenage Dirtbag – Sped Up (and she doesn’t give a damn about me) (Sped Up) – Wheatus

Things are good, but I have had low level anxiety all week. I’m not sure exactly why. Maybe I’m nervous still about the new job? Maybe it’s the upcoming travel to Washington State for school? Maybe it’s the requirements of my internship? Maybe its the lack of money in my bank account? Maybe (probably) it is all of those things. But, I chewed the heck out of my thumb and had to wear a bandaid all week. My heart rate has been up too-my watch keeps pointing it out.
At least its a 3 day weekend! Woohoo! Happy Labor day my American friends. It’s rainy here, but I love it. It is time to start closing the pool. Usually I keep it open for another week or 2, but it isn’t suppose to be above 80 for the next 10 days, so I am just going to get everything closed up!
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

I hope you thumb heals quickly, and you are able to find some calm in your week. Wow! You have to go to WA for school. Not sure if you are going to be there long enough to see anything, but I hope you have a safe (and fun) trip.
As a Gen Xer I’m so grateful no evidence exists of my poorer decisions
I hope you e had time to relax over the weekend.
If you’ve had CoVid at all you should see your doctor about your heart rate fluctuations, heart issues are common in the 12 months post infection, even if it was a mild case.
Wishing you a great reading week
I hope you get to relax this weekend and find some calm. I feel more anxious than I have felt my whole life. I keep waiting for the next shoe to drop since Covid.
There are like 6 books out this week I want to read! Jealous of some of the books you got this week from publishers too! Yeah, I’m glad to be Gen X. There are a lot of things during my college years that I’m glad there’s no proof of me doing, lol. Hope you get to doing better. All those things together are definitely anxiety causing, not to mention even just one by themselves! Hope you have a better week! Thanks for visiting my weekly post earlier!
Stress is so taxing on our bodies Samantha! I hope it eases up for you!
I hope this week finds you a little (or a lot) less anxious. Crazy to think it’s time to close up the pool. It’ll still be pool weather here until almost November. lol
All of those things would give me anxiety! I hope it gets better soon.