What’s the difference between a 4 star and a 5 star book anyway?

Posted September 19, 2018 in Discussion Tags:

I was looking at some of my old reviews and got to wondering: What made me give a book 4 stars instead of 5? Or, what made me give it 5 stars instead of 4? Some of the books I gave 4 stars were books I LOVE, so why not 5?

  1. Characters: I might LOVE a plot, but struggle with a character. Either that person is a douchecanoe, a whiny brat, or otherwise annoying AF. Even if the character is redeemed by the end of the story, I tend to still hold a grudge.

    Example: Matt from Hard Sell by Lauren Layne. He said some really ignorant things to Sabrina and it just pissed me off!

  2. Unnecessarily long: If I find myself skimming, or at the end I think “Well, that was 200 pages too long”, I usually give it 4 stars instead of 5. I don’t know if an author feels like they have to have 400 pages in a book or if they just think that giving us every detail of that character’s thoughts is crucial to the story.

    Example: Pretty much any Kristen Ashley book. I almost ALWAYS find them way too long and filled with drivel.

  3. Angsty AF: I just do not love the angst. I hate the pining, the lack of communication, the drama llama crap that just serves to make you emotional. I want a book with a plot that is gripping on its own, not one that relies on melodrama like a daytime soap opera.

    Example: From Here to You by Jamie McGuire. Ugh the angst. Overall, it was a good book-the fire, the crazy government place he worked for. But the angst…ugh.

  4. Abrupt ending: I like a book to feel finished! I like when all the details are wrapped up, everyone is happy, and if I get an epilogue I am in heaven. Books that have a ton of build up but the actual end is quick and dirty is a major let down and I feel cheated. Also, I find that if there is no epilogue, I am not as likely to give a book 5 stars. I know this is just a me thing, but in looking back at my ratings, it is totally a trend for me!

    Example: Rescuing Sadie from Susan Stoker. I think this one did have an epilogue (I can’t remember) but I did note that the ending was a tad abrupt compared to the build up. Also, I think this was partly due to the crossover nature of the book, but my thoughts still stand!

So, those are 4 of my reasons I rate a book 4 instead of 5! What makes you lower your rating on a book you loved? Share with me in the comments!


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8 responses to “What’s the difference between a 4 star and a 5 star book anyway?

  1. My reasons are mostly the same as yours. I don’t like pointless angst or books that feel too long (or too short). I give a book 4 stars if I get bored with bits of it. A 5-star book keeps me engaged the whole way through.

  2. Difficult to pin it on one reason. It’s something “missing” that makes for a great read but not an exceptional one. I do tend to give 5 stars to books who have gutted me or really moved me deeply.

  3. My biggest reason is a five star read is the type of book that I loved everything about, will be re reading it in the future and a four star read is a book I enjoyed quite a bit but either didn’t captivate my attention 100% or I had issue with one of the characters.

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