My fictional crushes

Posted August 31, 2021 in Top 10 Tags:

Happy Tuesday! I can’t believe it is the end of August already. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is fictional crushes and I am all over this one!!

  1. Roarke: Irish accent, brilliant, and so swoony! What isn’t to love about Roarke!? Check him out in Naked in Death by JD Robb.
  2. Lucas Hunter: Alpha pack leader who managed to snag the first Psy to break with the Psy-net. I love how affectionate and kind he is, while still being a hot alpha. Check out Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh.
  3. Seth: Undercover DEA agent who helps save a girl who is woefully neglected. I love that he is smart and sensible. He does his job, but is still human and recognizes a woman in trouble. You can read about him in Unlovable by Sherry Gammon.
  4. Caleb: I LOVE a fated mates story so Caleb and Maggie from Significance by Shelly Crane are some of my favorite characters. He is so sweet!!
  5. Mateo: Hottie college football player with a heart of gold!! Seriously, he is so incredibly sweet and I just wanted to cuddle him! You can check him out in All Played Out by Cora Carmack.

Who are some of your fictional crushes?

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4 responses to “My fictional crushes

  1. OMG, I love seeing Mateo listed! I miss that series so much and was so sad that Cora has never continued it. We were supposed to get Stella’s story but that seemed to get shelved and never happened once Cora started having health issues. 🙁

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