Revenge by Lexi Blake: Excerpt and Review

Posted June 17, 2017 in Excerpt Reveal Tags:

Passion and danger collide in the latest contemporary romance featuring the Lawless siblings—from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake.

When Drew Lawless discovers a fatal flaw in his plan to avenge his parents’ deaths, he turns to the one woman he promised he wouldn’t touch. He offers her a deal, one that will bring her into his investigation, his life, and his bed.

Investigative reporter Shelby Gates never dreamed how twisted the case would become—or how fascinated she would be with Drew. Every day they spend together binds them. And every night brings her closer to realizing he might be the man for her.

As Drew’s feelings for Shelby grow, so does the danger. From the streets of Dallas to Austin’s high-tech business world, Drew and Shelby play a game begun twenty years before—a game they will win, or die trying.

From Revenge:

“I suppose we’re going to be seeing Carly and Bran while we’re in Dallas next week.”

She had one week to get comfortable around Drew. One week to figure out if she could actually sell this cover to his family.

“It would seem odd if I didn’t pay them a visit. Bran knows I have a meeting with Taggart scheduled. We’ll be in Dallas for two days. Dinner with Bran and Carly and Mia and Case has already been planned.”

“Exactly. And you don’t want to raise a bunch of questions. So I was thinking it might be smarter for me to get my own hotel room. I can lay low and they don’t have to know I’m in town.” She’d sat up for a good portion of the night doing two things: thinking about how much she’d wanted to kiss Drew Lawless and then freaking out about it because that was a bad idea. Beware of billionaires with six-pack abs. It was her new mantra. Yes, she’d signed the contract last night, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t reason with her new . . . boss . . . partner . . . whatever he was.

“I told Bran you’re coming with me.”

This was exactly what she’d worried about. “You told him? I thought I would have more time. How am I going to explain this to Carly? I think she’ll wonder why one of her closest friends didn’t mention she was dating her future brother-in-law.”

“I’ve already explained it. We wanted to make sure it was real before we went public. It’s that simple. We met in Los Angeles. I contacted you. We went on a few dates and we’ve been talking a lot. You’ve come out to Austin because we’re contemplating moving in together. This is a trial run,” he said calmly, as though he hadn’t upended her entire life. “Also, I asked Bran not to mention it to Carly because you would rather tell her yourself. It was a safe bet Bran wouldn’t ask too many questions, but Carly will want to know everything. It’s why we need to get our stories straight.”

She focused on the words that messed with her life. “Moving in together? You told them we’re thinking of moving in together?”

“How else was I supposed to explain it when all your belongings arrive here?”

“What?” She winced because the words had come out in a screech. “I’m having your things packed up as we speak. They’ll be here in a few days.”

“Why the hell would you do that?” How was she going to get everything back to LA?

Drew relaxed again as though he’d already gone over this argument in his mind and knew he would win. “I wanted you to be comfortable. This is going to be a full-time job, and not a quick one. I suspect we’ll have to keep up our ruse for at least six months. Potentially a year. Also, that apartment you were living in was incredibly dangerous. Did you know it was recently condemned? The movers told me about it when they explained they were charging me extra for how fast they had to move. It’s scheduled to be demolished in two weeks.”

“What?” She stared at him. He expected her to live with him for six months to a year? Somewhere in the back of her head she’d been thinking a week or two tops, and then she’d go back to LA and work from there. Her apartment building was shitty and she was fairly certain someone cooked meth in part of it, but it was all she could afford. And it was solidly built. There had been no hint that anyone was planning on building in her part of LA. Gentrification had not reared its upscale, hipster head yet, so that left her with one very manipulative bastard. “Tell me you did not buy my apartment building and schedule it for demolition in an attempt to leave me with nowhere to go.”

He managed to look almost angelic in the soft light of morning. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

(check out my full review post here)

Revenge is the 3rd book about the Lawless brothers and focuses on Drew. Drew is the mastermind of the family. He kind of gives off the evil genius vibe and to say he is ruthless is a bit mild. His plan is to use Shelby to do the dirty work of finding the information he needs and then cut her loose.

Drew has never been my favorite brother. Bran was a serious whore, but he was at least likable. Riley is the best (even if he had his own douchy moments). But Drew…Revenge has been his life’s mission and it has made him cold and calculating. Shelby is a brilliant reporter who had already uncovered some anomalies in the Lawless family case. She was also a great ally to Carly in book 2 (and I loved Carly!). Really, Drew was going to be the biggest hurdle to my enjoyment of this book. Could I ever really believe he would change and not be a cutthroat dick? I just wasn’t sure it could happen.

You get to peek in on the lives of the other Lawless siblings and their spouses which creates a really well rounded supporting cast of characters. Hatch is still around as well. He reminds me of Haymitch from the Hunger Games. A drunken fool until forced to sober up and help guide some youngsters in their revenge plot. Even their names were similar enough that I kept mixing them up! Plus, there is a new character who comes out of nowhere and will make you question things! Drew is his typical, skeptical self, and Shelby is more trusting, which describes them pretty much in everything they do. As the reader, I found myself agreeing more with Shelby, but also thinking “Maybe I’m an idiot who is getting played!”. The mystery keeps you turning pages and unable to put the book down.

By the end, I did see character development in Drew and I enjoyed him more than I expected. Nerdy boy has a wild side for sure!

Revenge is an extremely well crafted story with twists and surprises that will engage and enthrall you. Blake has created a masterfully written tale of family drama, betrayal, and Revenge!

[bctt tweet=”Revenge is an extremely well crafted story- Blake has created a masterfully written tale of family drama, betrayal, and Revenge!” username=”thebookdisciple”]

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