#SundayPost: February 2nd

Posted February 2, 2025 in review Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   Deep End by Ali Hazelwood
  •   Bonded in Death by JD Robb
  •   Hey Daddy by Lani Lynn Vale


eARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

Fan ServiceHey, Daddy (Semyonov Bratva Book 2)Hidden NatureMy Demon Hunter (Hell Bent Book 2)The Chemistry of UsThe Last Guy On Earth (Hockey Guys: a series of MM stand-alone novels Book 3)

audio ARC thanks to Libro.FM and Macmillan Audio:

Dream Girl Drama: A Novel (Big Shots, Book 3)Yin Yang Love SongPresumed GuiltyUnromanceParanoia: This Time They're Coming for His Family

I caught a terrible cold on Friday. Lots of people have been sick from work this week (staff and students), so it was inevitable for sure. No fever, but just a massive amount of sinus congestion and pain. And I just finished an antibiotic for a previous sinus infection, so I’m pretty sure this one is viral. I’m hoping it goes away quickly. Next week is busy. I have lots of meetings for IEPs this week, plus a hair appointment, a department meeting after school, and parent teacher conferences. So, I need this cold to be gone fast.

Only 2 weeks until my trip to Seattle for the psychologist conference. I’m very excited! Again-hoping this cold passes quickly.

Tuesday I hit a pot hole on the edge of the road and bent the heck out of my wheel (I was clearly a little too close to the white line, and the pot hole jerked me off the edge of the road and there was a drop off. When I jerked it back on the road, my wheel bent from the force) My tire deflated and we had to have it towed to a repair shop (my car does not provide a spare tire; I love my car, but this has always felt a little weird to me). They had to reshape the wheel, but the tire was okay. So, it only cost me $160 and lectures from my husband and the guy at the repair shop (who knows my husband) about paying more attention.

Because I work in a school, everyone is very nervous with all the executive orders Trump issued. I work with special education students, so every time he bashes DEI, I worry for my students’ future. The I in DEI is inclusion. Also, as someone who works with special education, we are afraid our funding could be cut. Then when he put a freeze on funding for anything DEI related, equity related, or gender related, the school really got worried. Even though he rescinded the order the next day, schools are now preparing for future issues. We also got protocol from the legal team about what to do when ICE (immigration) comes to the school. Yep, that has been happening. As a person with a disability, it is really difficult to hear the president of the United States speak so poorly about us. For him to blame a plane crash on a policy of hiring disabled people is shocking and upsetting.

I work in 2 buildings-4 days a week I’m at a middle school and I love it. 1 day a week I’m at the high school and I hate it. My office is a desk in a conference room. Several people eat lunch in the conference room. Honestly, that doesn’t bother me that much, but this week, they have been praising Trump and his cutting funding to research and only respecting 2 genders. Its my office, so its not like I can go somewhere else, but I can’t sit through it either. I think I’m going to start driving to the middle school across the street to eat lunch in peace.


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So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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5 responses to “#SundayPost: February 2nd

  1. I am so sorry about the orange plague. His grabby greed will affect their lives soon enough. I hope you feel better soon. It’s no fun to have a cold and the horrible happenings in the country. At least you have an amazing book haul.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Sorry for the rough week. I miss working in a middle school. I know not all high schools are bad, but the one i’m currently working at is not a place I like to be. So I can understand how you feel! We made copies of what to do notecards and laminated them to give to our students’ families who are worried about ICE. It is a bit scary now! I hope you are feeling better and have a better week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #209 – February 2nd, 2025
  3. The president is a terrible man! I could go on and on, but it’s not worth my time. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all that at school. I’m stunned to hear some of the conversations at work or with family even sometimes! I would make the effort to eat somewhere else, too! Happy to see you loved Head Cases, too! I’m looking forward to the next one!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #282

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