Top Ten Tuesday: Book to Movie

Posted November 10, 2015 in Top 10 Tags:


Book to Movie: 10 books I wish were movies!

Welcome to another top 10 Tuesday! This week’s theme is book to movie adaptation. Now, This is a tough one because frankly, I am NOT impressed by movies made from books. I mean, did you see the movie version of Percy Jackson?? Horrible! So, I am spinning this a bit. My top ten this week: 10 books I wish were made into movies that don’t cut out a single thing. Check out the entire list at The Broke and The Bookish!

In no particular order:

#Nerd: Ok, its no secret if you follow this blog that I am all kinds of obsessed with this book series. As I write this, I am wearing my Romeo hoodie. And Cambria Hebert just had a book trailer made that makes me want a movie even more.


Demons at Deadnight: If you haven’t read these books yet, you are seriously missing out! They are YA, written with humor and a bit of first love. And the Hex boys…swoon! Aurora is one of those book characters you just can’t help but love! And did I mention the Hex boys? Well, they bear repeating.


Under Different Stars: Kricket is probably my most favorite heroine of any book ever. She is strong, smart, and sassy. The books are unique which I think would really translate well into a movie. The setting-another planet! Thats just cool!


The Consequences of Loving Colton: I totally love this book. I have read it several times now and it never fails to make me laugh. This would be a great date night rom com! Fake boyfriends, a grandma who wants to get lucky, and a wedding that might not happen! And, Max is pretty darn funny!


Six of Hearts: He is a magician! I just think thats cool. We need more unique careers in books. This book has a great plot that keeps you on your toes with a romance that is seriously swoon worthy!


Bad Romeo/Broken Juliet: The present day/flashback set up of this book would be really cool in a movie. The story is told from present day as flashbacks to what happened with Ethan and Cassie first met and how their relationship progressed. Its such a great book that will make you hate Ethan, love Ethan, and just about everything in-between!


The Rusk University Series: Hot college football players! Do I need to say more? Well, I will say that these books have smart, dedicated heroines as well! These girls are great! This is a new adult series I think everyone needs to see because the characters are so well written!


Fallen Crest: This series is like a soap opera and I love it. Drama, danger, falling for your stepbrother…its all there. Seriously, these books are just like a dramatic daytime tv show that people wouldn’t be able to turn away from!


Equal Parts: This book is a gem that I have been raving about since I discovered it! I hope she continues to write because I am dying to know what will happen to these characters. The book is a really different take on the humans with superpowers trope and I think it will translate beautifully into movies. The author did a great job making the book very visual and the cover is stunning!

Dirty English: I couldn’t really make a list of books I wish were movies without an MMA book on it. Why Dirty English? Because the fighter in this book is also a smart as a whip guy who runs his own gym and quotes great English literature. HOT! Seriously, there wasn’t a single thing I didn’t like about Declan. Smart, determined, and athletic. 100% amazing!

So, there is my wishlist! Anyone know any movie producers? Seriously, these need to be made! If you haven’t read the books, you should check them out. What book do you wish would be turned into a movie? Let me know in the comments!

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4 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Book to Movie

  1. Allyson

    I haven’t read any of these books, but I would still be super excited to see most of them as movies! Plus I know quite a few people who would be even more stoked :p

    My TTT.

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