#WhoRunTheWorld and a #Giveaway

Posted March 22, 2018 in #giveaway, Spotlight Tags: ,

Hello Disciples! Today I am sharing my favorite heroine. Why? Because girls rule! So, enjoy meeting Nell DeLuca from All Played Out by Cora Carmack! (And enter BOTH giveaways at the bottom of the page!)

Reasons I love Nell DeLuca:

  1. She is SMART! She wants to go into biomedical engineering and change the world. I met many girls like her in college-engineering majors, pre-med, and biochemistry majors. These ladies were so intelligent and I loved spending time getting to know them.
  2. She is close to her family. She didn’t grow up rich, but she grew up loved and she never forgets that. Sometimes her family makes her crazy, but she never treats them poorly or like they are less than her because they aren’t smart.
  3. She is shy and naive. Y’all, lets be real. When I went to college, I was SO Nell. Clueless about so many things!! I didn’t really date or anything. Going away to school for me was a lot like how Nell describes her experience.
  4. She grows. She embraces the things about her she wants to work on and comes up with a plan.
  5. She is a list maker. A girl after my own heart, y’all.
  6. She doesn’t give everything up for a man. Mateo is super hot, but Nell isn’t going to walk away from her plans. She finds a way to have her dream and Mateo and still make their love work. Realistic!!

Nell is just one of the awesome characters that shows us #whoruntheworld! If you haven’t read All Played Out yet, add it to your TBR. Its book 3 in a series, but you can read it as a stand alone. Although, Dallas and Dylan are both pretty badass ladies too. Dallas is determined to make it as a dancer and puts in the time to be amazing. Dylan is the new Captain Planet! So, this series brings the girl power hard! Check it out!

Now, go see all the other amazing heroines my blogging buddies picked and find yourself some new books. Plus, there are lots of giveaways! #WhoRunTheWorld Tour

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11 responses to “#WhoRunTheWorld and a #Giveaway

  1. I am a list maker too! I especially like looking a lists of book suggestions. I started reading Cora Carmack’s Losing It series this year.

    Thanks for the giveaway. Best of luck with the book and book tour!

  2. Kim

    I have this series, just haven’t read it yet….moved up higher on the TBR – love great female characters

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