Absolution Road: Review

Posted December 28, 2015 in review Tags:

Absolution Road: ReviewAbsolution Road by Rachel Blaufeld
Pages: 278
Series: Crossroads #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Amazon iBooks

For Jake Wrigley, the future is bleak. Some people are survivors, but he’s getting by on his bad-boy looks and charming smile. He owns a gym, gets into bar fights, and wrestles his demons with rough workouts—both in and out of the bedroom.
For Alyson Road, the future is bright. Life can only improve from where she grew up. She graduated at the top of her law class, cares for her ailing mom, and in her job, she defends those who can’t afford anyone else. Her work is thankless but honest.
Jake’s twin brother has been covering his ass for as long as they’ve been alive, but that all changes when Jake finds himself in front of the fiery public defender, his future in her hands. For the first time ever, he doesn’t want to involve his brother, finally realizing he needs to stand alone, be his own man.
Even if Jake’s never absolved of his past wrongdoings or his heart is never scrubbed of the blackness that resides there, he can do one good deed—protect the beautiful lawyer who touched his soul—until helping her nearly becomes his own undoing.

Absolution Road
Rachel Blaufeld

what i think

Absolution Road is book 2 in the series but you can read it as a stand alone. This book is angsty, with a tortured hero who, frankly, I kind of hated. He is so consumed with guilt over something that happened when he was a child that he has basically destroyed his life. I probably would have given up on this book quickly if it weren’t for Aly. She grew up poor, put herself through law school and then became a public defender! Thats dedication (and, as someone who put herself through graduate school to become a poor Catholic school teacher, I appreciate and applaud her choice!).



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