Wild Wicked Scot by Julia London

Posted December 23, 2016 in review Tags: ,

Wild Wicked Scot by Julia LondonWild Wicked Scot by Julia London
Pages: 367
Series: The Highland Grooms #1
Genres: Historical Romance
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Amazon iBooks

Born into riches and groomed in English luxury, Margot Armstrong didn't belong in a Scottish chieftain's devil-may-care world. Three years ago she fled their marriage of convenience and hasn't looked back—except to relive the moments spent in wild, rugged Arran McKenzie's passionate embrace. But as their respective countries' fragile unity threatens to unravel, Margot must return to her husband to uncover his role in the treachery before her family can be accused of it.

Red-haired, green-eyed Margot was Arran's beautiful bride. Her loss has haunted him, but her return threatens everything he has gained. As the Highland mists carry whispers of an English plot to seize McKenzie territory, he must outmaneuver her in games of espionage…and seduction. But even as their secrets tangle together, there's nothing to prevent love from capturing them both and leading them straight into danger.

Wild Wicked Scot is the story of pampered Margot from England, and boorish Arran from Scotland and their arranged marriage. The story takes place in the early 18th century when England and Scotland had a reluctant truce. Margot is given to Arran by her father and she is shipped off to Scotland to live. Needless to say, she is totally out of her element. The language is different, the customs are different, and her whole existence is suddenly vastly changed. After a few months of marriage, she flees back to England.

The story starts with alternating chapters of flashbacks. So, you get a bit of the past, then a bit of the current, where Margot has returned to Scotland and Arran. He suspects treachery. Margot has been forced to return by her father to gather intel. So, you have deceit, lust, and wounded pride all battling within these characters. Its quite the cat and mouse game as each tries to out wit the other, all the while dealing with the deep emotions tied to their marriage.

I found that it took be a bit longer to warm up to the characters. I understood Margot a little more that Arran, but her behavior was so frustratingly immature at times, I could understand why he was irritated with her. Arran seemed to not even be willing to consider how difficult this marriage was for her. That aside, the plot is really interesting and I loved the back and forth between these two. Margot has obviously grown up during their years apart and she is more mature and wiser upon her return. I think all the drama between them made the build up to their reunion sweeter. Part of me wanted him to fight harder for Margot though. I am a big fan of the grand gestures from a hero.



Books by Lisa Kleypas, Amy Sandas, Charis Michaels…then you will probably like Wild Wicked Scot!

Wild Wicked Scot

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