#LastNowNext: April 22nd

Posted April 22, 2020 in Spotlight Tags:

Its Wednesday, so that means it time for #LastNowNext!!

I finished Get Bucked by Lani Lynn Vale and loved it (like always when it comes to her books). She has been churning out 2 books a month and I am so glad for it!

I started She Loves Me by Melissa Foster. I have enjoyed this series so far, so I have high hopes!

I think I might grab a book from my TBR jar! I don’t have any ARCs due for about 2 weeks. This is unprecedented!

A few of the Jars

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2 responses to “#LastNowNext: April 22nd

  1. How many TBR jars do you have if you say those are a few of the jars? I always like the idea of a TBR jar because I am such a mood reader sometimes I just don’t know what to read next and that would be a great thing to use. But I’m also lazy and make the excuse I don’t have time to create one. I suppose all I have is time at the moment maybe now is the time. It’s nice you have no arcs at the moment and can concentrate on your own books for a little while.

    Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity recently posted: The Flower Book Tag

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