Much Ado About You by Samantha Young

Posted February 2, 2021 in review Tags: , ,

Much Ado About You by Samantha YoungMuch Ado About You by Samantha Young
Pages: 308
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Setting: Northern England
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: Hero
Amazon iBooks Audible

The cozy comforts of an English village bookstore open up a world of new possibilities for Evie Starling in this charming new romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Samantha Young.

At thirty-three-years old Evangeline Starling's life in Chicago is missing that special something. And when she's passed over for promotion at work, Evie realizes she needs to make a change. Some time away to regain perspective might be just the thing. In a burst of impulsivity, she plans a holiday in a quaint English village. The holiday package comes with a temporary position at Much Ado About Books, the bookstore located beneath her rental apartment. There's no better dream vacation for the bookish Evie, a life-long Shakespeare lover.

Not only is Evie swept up in running the delightful store as soon as she arrives, she's drawn into the lives, loves and drama of the friendly villagers. Including Roane Robson, the charismatic and sexy farmer who tempts Evie every day with his friendly flirtations. Evie is determined to keep him at bay because a holiday romance can only end in heartbreak, right? But Evie can't deny their connection and longs to trust in her handsome farmer that their whirlwind romance could turn in to the forever kind of love.

Much Ado About You was fun, emotional, and charming! I have always been a fan of Much Ado about Nothing, so I was excited to dive in. You have the beautiful small town, the zany townsfolk, the miscommunications, the lies.

I think middle aged readers will feel a kinship with Evie right away-she can’t find the right guy, she quits her job, and she just feels like life has passed her by. Evie’s complicated relationship with her mom really resonated for me as I understand what it is like to be the child of an addict.

Roane is the hunky young farmer who falls hopelessly in love with Evie. However, Evie isn’t going to make it easy, which leads to some deception on Roane’s part. I wasn’t a huge fan of this because it seemed unnecessary after awhile.

The secondary characters are fun, and honestly, I felt like this was their story as much as Evie’s and Roane’s. In that sense, its very much like Much Ado about Nothing! If you are looking for a book to curl up and escape with, Much Ado About You is a great pick!

Overall: four-stars

Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren, Passion on Park Ave by Lauren Layne…then you will probably like Much Ado About you!

Much Ado About You

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