Sunday Post: Setting an alarm is such a bummer!

Posted August 20, 2017 in Roundup Tags: ,

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  • Monster in the Closet by Karen Rose
  • On the Chase by Katie Ruggle
  • Demolished by Cathryn Fox
  • Celebrating Love by Maryann Jordan

This Week’s New Releases:

Open Giveaways:

What I Found Online:

Yeah, unless you are interested in looking at research on reading and math intervention, or info on Windows 10 (which I HATE btw, but my work laptop is PC and we just upgraded to Windows 10), I didn’t find anything interesting this week.

This Week’s Book Haul:

Purchased for 99 cents!

ARCs thanks to the authors and publishers!

And my favorite subscription box arrived:

Non-Bookish News:

Back to school, back to school….We have professional development Monday and Tuesday, then we jump in with both feet on Wednesday with the students. I like the routine of back to school. The structure and uniformity is good for my OCD. But, I miss summer. I like being able to binge read, or binge watch, or nap. I’m really gonna miss the naps.

I had to go to school a few days last week to get some things taken care of. We have a new intervention specialist in my department, so I am trying to make sure everything is ready. Its difficult without the previous intervention specialist around because we had worked together for several years and she anticipated problems and handled things before I even had to ask. I miss that. I like my team and they are great, but they are new and it will take some time. In the mean time, I am trying to make sure everything is ready and everyone is settled. Plus, I am taking over my previous coworkers caseload. I know the kids, but I haven’t worked with them and its difficult. Both the kids and their parents are unsure about the transition, so I am trying to assure them everything will be fine. I’m also trying to assure myself of that fact….

My dogs got new balls this week. I am regretting it already. The first night, Calleigh kept waking me up to go outside because she wanted to play with her new toy. At 3 am. However, they are both happy and getting plenty of exercise so I will suffer through!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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26 responses to “Sunday Post: Setting an alarm is such a bummer!

  1. The school district that my town falls into starts next week and my teacher friends have already starting counting down days until Christmas break haha! My kiddo starts PreK at the beginning of September so I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for that. haha She’s going to be great. She’s at the stage where she is REALLY excited and loves to learn. I hope everything goes smoothly for you when taking over your coworker’s caseload. That sounds stressful. Hope you have a great week!

    Julie @ Happily Ever Chapter recently posted: Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post
  2. I have to go to work a couple of times next week, but school starts on the 28th here. I really don’t want to have to get up really early in the morning, but I am really happy to get back to work. Does that even make sense at all?
    I’m sure you’ll be good with everything – we all need to adjust to everything that’s new at the beginning of a school year, right?
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted: Review: Irresistible You – Kate Meader
  3. Congrats on the grabs πŸ™‚ I wish I got back my motivation for reading! And a longer vacation πŸ˜€ there are upsides to working in teaching, in a way πŸ™‚

  4. Nice haul this week. That Abbi Glines one looks good. My dogs were crazy about new toys too. Every time I came in the house with bags they had to stick their nose in each one. It was fun to hide their new toys and watch them discover them. One dog liked to rip out the sqeaker and then roll on her toy. The other focused on pulling out the squeaker and killing it. LOL

  5. oh I agree about Windows 10….I hate it so much. I miss Windows 7—so much better and ever since I updated to windows 10, I have had so many problems.

    And adorable dogs….they seem like fun to be around. If I didn’t get panic attacks around dogs, I would love to have one. Although living in a city in a small apartment, not sure I would want to do that to a dog. I like cats a lot though.

    Great book haul you have here. I like Laura Griffin.

  6. Oh wow, I need to read Black and Green! ?❀️❀️❀️
    I hope you enjoy your first week of work and your new books too. Oh I love your bookstagram. So gorgeous.

    Have a wonderful week, Sam. ?

  7. Good luck with everything, I’m sure it’s tough at first to go back and start a new year, especially with new team members. Hope it gets off to a good start. That’s funny about the dogs. πŸ™‚

    • Yes, I am a creature of habit, so new team members are a challenge for me. Plus, we got a new speech path and school psych too so its just a lot of change in my tiny special education world!

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