Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [10 Sep] More of You by A.L. Jackson ★★★★
- [11 Sep] Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven ★★★★
- [13 Sep] Descent by L.J. Swallow ★★★★
What’s Coming Up:
- Gorgeous by Kristy Marie
- A Snowbound Scandal by Jessica Lemmon
This Week’s New Releases:
Open Giveaways:
- Join us for #ARCtober! Each of the hosts is having a giveaway!
What I Found Online:
Im back to binging on Friends! PIVOT!
This Week’s Book Haul:

Non-Bookish News:
In case you don’t know, I lived in NC for 4 years and have many friends in the area. Hurricanes don’t hit the area often, but when they do, its usually a doozie! Florence is no exception. My friends are all currently still okay-many from Wrightsville/Wilmington evacuated as required. My friends in Raleigh are weathering the extensive rain and hoping for the best. If you are in the path, stay safe!
It got hot again at the end of this week. Thursday and Friday were in the upper 80’s. Thursday was meet the teacher night. Reminder: we have no AC so everyone was miserable. But, we all survived and it went pretty well. Its suppose to be in the mid 80’s all week. I’m so beyond ready for fall. Bring on the cold weather! Hell, bring on the snow! Thats right, I said. I want snow! Lots of it!
I was so busy this past week I didn’t get much reading done. I feel like I’m falling behind in everything! Hopefully now that the late nights at school are over I won’t feel so swamped. However, I do have a meeting every day after school this week, so maybe it will be another week before I get back on track.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

Fight or Flight was good fun. Enjoy! I love Friends and get sucked into reruns when I am scrolling. Have a lovely week Sam!
Glad you liked Fight or Flight! It was a bit of a whim request!
I am so glad your meet the teacher night went well! And my god I did not realize there were so many new releases this week!!! I have pre ordered Phoenix Unbound so I am very happy to see your rating! Happy Sunday 😉
Phoenix unbound was very good! It was my first time reading Draven!
Your weather is really similar to mine. I’m sorry. This hurricane was crazy. It went really far inland and the trajectory was so odd. I hope all your friends made out ok.
Yeah I feel for the people in North Carolina right now and hoping everyone is okay! And ugh- parent teacher conferences are miserable all around I think when it’s that hot. I’ve been in a few sweltering classrooms like that and honestly I feel for the teachers, because they have to be there SO LONG. I’m ready for cooler weather big time!
Fight or Flight looks fun. 🙂
Oh Cross Breed. I’ve been waiting for that one to come. Hope you enjoy all your new books.
Have a great week and happy reading!
I am going to start that Lora Leigh series someone soon! I have had it on my TBR forever!!
Wow, September is such a busy month for new releases. And you also got a really nice haul of books this week. Enjoy. And I hope your schedule gets less hectic.
Yes! Bring on the Fall weather because I am done with Summer. I was up in East Bay San Francisco over the weekend and the temps were mild. Mid 70s at the hottest point of the day, and it was beautiful. Flew back to Southern California to a temp of 95 degrees. Ugh.
I feel so behind with my reading as well, hopefully we’ll both get more reading time soon. I got a copy of Fight or Flight, too and I can’t wait to read it! 🙂
LOL, PIVOT!! One of my favorite Friends episodes.
I haven’t ever lived anywhere that had hurricanes so I’ve never experienced it but my thoughts and prayers are with those who are in the hurricane’s path. We’re used to earthquakes and what not out here in California and that’s no fun either.
I hope you find your reading mojo and that you enjoy whatever books you decide to pick up to read. Have a great week, Sam and stay cool!
My husband and I randomly yell that because we think the Pivot scene is so funny!!