#SundayPost: January 17th

Posted January 17, 2021 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

Nothing! I might review the JD Robb books I am breezing through thanks to my commute!


    •   Nick at The Infinite Limits of Love has a great upcoming books of 2021 post!
    •   Sam at WLABB rated these 2 romances high and you might want to add them to your TBR!


eARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

I’m so glad its a 3 day weekend here in the States. I could use it! Friday was a rough day at work. Both my coteacher and I were just tapped out by the end of the day. It was one of those days where things just keep coming at us. And it was all dumb stuff that was so trivial we couldn’t understand WHY admin cared and made a point to tell us. Communication at our school is terrible-no one tells anyone directly what they need or want. They go to others and have them pass messages. It’s ridiculous and time consuming.

Other than that, it was a fairly easy week. I’m hoping next week is easy without the unnecessary drama. We got a trace of snow Friday evening and we are suppose to get a few days with traces of snow next week. I love snow and just seeing it (even if its a trace) makes me happier!

I’ve been binging Doctor Who (starting with the 9th doctor, Christopher Eccelstein). I adored the 9th and 10th doctors. I liked 11, but its hard to top 10 and Rose. But, I did really like Amy, Rory, and River, so that made 11 more watchable. I’m now to 12 and I’m not sure what I think. This was where I stopped watching years ago. I was never a huge fan of Clara, so a new doctor and a companion I was never sold on…But, I’m hoping I will get into it!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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9 responses to “#SundayPost: January 17th

  1. Glad mother nature could give you a little pick-me-up with some snow. Sorry to hear your week was trying. I hope you enjoy the long weekend and that next week is better. Thanks for sharing my reviews too.

  2. Well communication in some companies or school can be a pain in the behind samantha! And yes, snow makes me happier too! I think we become kids again LOL I hope your next week will be relaxed

  3. And Fridays are supposed to be enjoyable days! Here’s hoping the coming week is less annoying… Interesting to binge-watch Dr Who – I loved it until Matt Smith left and I haven’t really been able to get into it since. In the meantime, I hope you have a great week, Samantha.

  4. I’m sorry that work has been frustrating. Communication clears up so much and is so easy but we seem to avoid it. I hope this 3 day weekend refuels you! I really need to read The Roommate. I’ve heard so many good things about it. I’ve seen lots of 4 and 5 star reviews. I hope your week goes more smoothly this week!

    Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter recently posted: The Sunday Post {1/17/21}
  5. Suffer through 12 and Clara – I promise it gets better! I think they kept Clara way too long and while I liked her with 11 she and 12 never worked. 12 will never be my favorite Doctor but it gets way better once he ditches Clara and the next Doctor is fantastic! The school communication sounds so frustrating. I hate when simple things are made not because those in charge won’t actually communicate. Have a great week and enjoy your 3 day weekend!

  6. Iza

    We had snow last saturday evening and walking in it was great, hearing it crunching under our shoes 🙂 I love Dr Who, once I’m finished with catching up on Supernatural, I’ll be catching up on the two latest seasons. My favourite Doctor was David Tennant – him and Catherine Tate (Doinna) had a wonderful chemistry. Enjoy your week 🙂

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