#SundayPost: November 12th

Posted November 12, 2023 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

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Another fairly low key week. We had election day on Tuesday, so there were no kids in the building (because its a voter location). Surprisingly, Ohio voted yes on women’s rights and medical treatment and yet to legalizing marijuana. We are a pretty solidly red state, so this was a surprise. I’m thankful because it means we are protecting girls and women’s rights. I’m not opposed to marijuana either because at least this way, it will be regulated like alcohol.

We had one escape this week by Dean. He, of course, rolled in poop so we had to do a full bath. It was too cold for the outside bath. But, we got him back and fixed another part of the fence. We are still working on house breaking. Only a few accidents, so we feel like we are moving in the right direction.

Last week the temperature was 80 a couple of days. This week, it was not. I don’t mind the cold (prefer it actually) but this 40 degree temperature swings are killing my sinuses.

I saw the doc this week. It’s carpal tunnel. My thumb tip is still numb, but it isn’t painful or anything. We are just going to monitor it for now. I have splints I wear at night, and a TENS unit to use as well.

This past week was National School Psychologist Week. My supervisor left a package that had a surprise for each day. Cute memes, treats, and supportive notes. It was very nice. I really appreciated the support. A parent sent in a gift as well. I was shocked! She was so thankful I didn’t brush her kid off as just lazy (which has been the trend) and actually got him some help. It was very thoughtful (she got me pens and post its, both of which I adore!).

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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8 responses to “#SundayPost: November 12th

  1. Rolling in poo after escaping is adding insult to injury, isn’t it? Lovely that a parent took time to get you a gift of appreciation after you helped her child – that’s always such a nice feeling:)). My mother-in-law had carpel tunnel syndrome – but that was years ago and I’m pleased you’ve got a splint and a TENS machine. I swear by mine for my lower back pain when it flares. Have a great week, Samantha.

  2. That’s so awesome to see you get recognized at school! If they did anything at our school for ours no one made a big deal of it. It’s nice to know I guess that it is carpal tunnel so you know what you can do to help it at least. That’s awesome your state voted that way! I was definitely okay with the legalizing of marijuana, but I am hating how the smell of it is everywhere now, just don’t enjoy that skunk smell, lol. Hope you have a good week and that your SOS goes well and we keep helping our kids!

  3. They legalized pot in my state, and I cannot escape the stench. Because it’s legal, people are getting baked everywhere. They do it in their cars in the parking lots, and then take off driving. I usually have to move two to three times every day on the train to find the “non-smoking” car (note: you cannot smoke anything on the train). In Manhattan, you cannot walk ten steps without being in a cloud of smoke. We are a pot-head nation. That was nice of your supervisor to honor you last week. Dean sounds like a handful, and I hope you are making progress with your carpel tunnel.

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

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