#SundayPost: Snow

Posted November 17, 2019 in Roundup Tags:

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  •   Dangerous Game by LP Dover
  •   Man Hands by Sarina Bowen

This Week’s New Releases:

What I Found Online:

Dogs trying food is my favorite:

This Week’s Book Haul:

ARCs thanks to the publishers and authors:

Non-Bookish News:

We actually had some snow this week! It was awesome (I love snow)! Its all melted now but it was great while it lasted.

Work has been stressful. But, I love my new therapist. We are going to continue meeting weekly. This week I am suppose to be observed by an admin and that always makes me nervous. This year, I have been pretty vocal about my frustrations with the school.

We also had a confirmed case of whooping cough. So, everyone is a little edgy this week. Thankfully I got my TDAP booster before my surgery this summer. Working in schools is tough-constant germ factory.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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13 responses to “#SundayPost: Snow

  1. Oh my word! Whooping cough! What about vaccinations??

    Best of luck with the observation – I used to hate those, too… And I’m glad you now have a therapist who you get on well with. I hope the week goes well, Samantha.

  2. Well Samantha I am happy that I did not read about you being overworked this week as it happened to often the previous weeks. And that’s excellent news that love your new therapist!

  3. Is the whooping cough from the religious, we don’t vaccinate group? UGH. I’m sorry this year has been frustrating. I know you had another option and decided to stay; does it help to remember those reasons?

    I can’t believe you love snow. Brrr. I don’t mind seeing it a couple days a year which is all we get here in NC. It’s been too cold, too early this year.

    You are reading some great books. Have a lovely week – the holidays are coming up so fast.

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    Anne recently posted: No Whisk, No Reward by Ellie Kay
  4. Sam@wlabb

    That’s awesome that things are working out with your therapist. Good for you voicing your concerns at school. Good luck with the observation. I always hated those, though the kids would usually do me a solid and behave better than on a normal day. Stay healthy!

  5. Whooping cough- yikes! Hope it stays away and you don’t have any other cases. And snow- we had some too and likewise, it’s all gone, well except a little on the roof and stuff. But it’s starting to feel like winter around here!

    Observation is never fun- always makes me self conscious! Hope it gets without a hitch, I’m sure it will. 🙂

  6. Snow… It’s pretty and fun to watch, but also a pain. I miss it at times, now that I’m in CA, but then I remember how much of a pain it was to shovel. ^_^
    Hope your week with an observer goes ok. That’s great on the therapist and that they are helping. Hope you have a great week!!

  7. Oh, Whopping Cough? Stay well! Glad to hear you like your new therapist, makes it easier to deal with issues and make some progress. Yay for snow! We’re in the 80-90’s here for a few more days but then dropping to the 60s on Wednesday. Thank goodness. 🙂

  8. Whooping Cough… I’m always amazed that these diseases – that we can so easily prevent – are reappearing! It frustrates me no end. Poor kid.

    I have snow envy. We don’t get much snow here anymore… It’s been super cold and there’s been lots of sparkly white frost but no snow. 🙁

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