#TackleMyTBR 2019 Challenge

Posted January 4, 2019 in Challenge Tags:

2019 has arrived and I am determined to read some of my TBR books. Since I started blogging, ARCs and books for blog tours have kind of taken over. Don’t get me wrong, its AMAZING. However, there are a TON of books I own but haven’t read because they just get pushed back.

So, my awesome blogger friend, Kimberly Faye Reads, created a challenge. You can check out the full details on her post, but here is my plan for this challenge:

  •  I am going for the Blitz level (13-24 books). That is 2 books a month from my TBR. However, I am not holding myself to getting 2 a month. If I get none one month and 4 another, great. As long as by the end of the year I’m between 13-24 books, I will consider it a success.
  •  I am going to continue with my ARCs and such; they just won’t count for this challenge.
  •  Books that will count for this challenge are any books I own prior to 2019, or any book I buy upon release that has been on my TBR on Goodreads.

I am keeping it SIMPLE. If I have learned anything about my reading habits, if I make a list or in any way box myself in, I will fail. I will fail epically! So, I am hoping by keeping this pretty undefined I will be more successful. I am also starting a shelf on goodreads to track, so you can check that out too!

What are your reading goals for 2019? What do you hope 2019 brings you in books?

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3 responses to “#TackleMyTBR 2019 Challenge

  1. You have a great goal for 2019!
    Mine isn’t solidified, but I want to de-clutter my bookshelves. I did a cull recently, where I took all the books I own that I haven’t read yet, and if i felt like I wasn’t going to read the book in the next 5 years, I put it in the “donate” box. And honestly, if 5 years go by, and I decide that I do want to read it? I can easily get it from the library, or get a cheap paperback, or something.

    Anyway, it felt really good to let go of a lot of those books. I hope to continue doing that this year. I still have 6 bookshelves jam packed with books, and stacks of books next to and in front of them. Would like to keep the stacks to a minimum!

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