#SlayThoseSeries2018 Challenge

Posted October 18, 2018 in Challenge Tags: ,

I can’t believe its the middle of October already! I’m already looking ahead to November and have teamed up with some bookish friends for the #SlayThoseSeries2018 Challenge! Its super low key, includes a voluntary read a thon, and a bookstagram challenge!

Wanna join in the fun? There really aren’t any rules but here is my plan:

  • Read as many books in any of Christine Feehan’s series
  • Review the books I read
  • Organize my books so I know what books in a series I still need!

Thats it! I am actually gonna try the readathon as well (and I never do readathons).

Finally, we have a bookstagram challenge!


And, there is a giveaway!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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