Worth Fighting For by Kirsty Moseley: Review

Posted December 8, 2016 in review Tags: , , ,

Worth Fighting For by Kirsty Moseley: ReviewWorth Fighting For by Kirsty Moseley
Pages: 352
Series: Fighting to be Free #2
Genres: New Adult
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: Nothing Left to Lose part 1 and 2
Amazon iBooks

Kirsty Moseley brings us the sequel to Fighting to be Free.
It's been years since Jamie Cole's seen Ellie Pearce. He's immersed himself in the life he'd once fought to leave and taken over his old turf--creating dangerous rivals. He has nothing to lose--until Ellie comes back to town.
Ellie has moved on. She met a man in London--a man she's marrying. She hardly allows herself to remember the boy who broker her heart at 18. But when tragedy strikes, Ellie's forced to return to New York. She thought she could handle seeing Jamie again, but she can't deny he's still a part of her. Now amidst threats from Jamie's enemies and fighting to keep her sister safe, Ellie must decide to return to her fiancé or surrender to the fire that still burns with Jamie.

First, note that this is book 2, and you MUST read book 1, Fighting to Be Free first! Worth Fighting for picks up 3 years after the HEART breaking end of Fighting to be Free (seriously, like kindle throwing heart breaking!!). Ellie has ‘moved on’ so this book centers around the ‘love triangle’ trope. Ellie and Toby have a wonderful life, and Toby is a wonderful guy. But, Jamie is….well he is JAMIE!

So, knowing this is a love triangle, for all those who have issues with ‘cheating’ be advised. I won’t say to what degree or what happens, but know that its a love triangle and things get….convoluted. This book reminded me of Molly McAdam’s books: angsty, drama filled, love triangles with pain and heart break to boot! (Don’t know what I am talking about, go read Taking Chances. Just do it. Then you can understand my PAIN!).

There is still a lot of danger in this story. Bad guys are still gunning for Ellie, Jamie is still determined to protect her, and all that occurs with the confused love triangle (have I mentioned the love triangle?). Now, if you read book 1, you are certainly going to pick up book 2 just to find out who Ellie ends up with! However, it wasn’t my favorite read. I really struggle with the love triangle thing (have I mentioned it before?) and even though the characters were older, the story was still dripping with so much angst you could drown in it. I don’t think either of those things are necessarily bad, but for me, it was too much. Maybe I was just not in the mood for something so emotional?



Taking Chances by Molly McAdams, From Ashes by Molly McAdams, Sharing You By Molly McAdams…then you will probably like Worth Fighting For!

Worth Fighting For

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“’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Alfred, Lord Tennyson, said that in some poem in the 1800s. In my opinion, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, was full of shit.

Maybe Lord Tennyson had never truly loved someone; maybe he’d never cared for someone else more than he cared for himself, because if he had, if he’d loved someone so deeply he’d been willing to die for them, how could he have written such a horseshit line? I’m merely speculating, of course. I’m no academic, so I know nothing about the guy other than that one quote. So how then, you may ask, does my opinion so vehemently disagree with his?

Because I was in love once.

Only once.

And I lost her.

And I would give any fucking thing in the world to have never loved her at all. No, it most definitely is not better to have loved and lost..

Fuck love. And fuck Lord Tennyson.

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About Kirsty Moseley

Kirsty Moseley has always been a passionate reader since she was a little girl, devouring books overnight, barely sleeping and paying for it at school the next day. Writing has come similarly to her and once she discovered Wattpad, she finally plucked up the courage to post one of her stories. Seven million reads later, she self-published her debut novel THE BOY WHO SNEAKS IN MY BEDROOM WINDOW, which later became one of 10 Finalists for the 2012 Goodreads' Choice Awards, Best YA Fiction. Shocked and overwhelmed by the response, she published her second novel ALWAYS YOU a few months later.

If she had to sum herself up in one word, it would probably be 'daydreamer' - but unlike most of her school teachers, she doesn't necessarily view that as a bad thing. After all, she read somewhere once that books are like waking dreams....

She lives in Norfolk, England with her husband and son.

Visit her website at http://www.kirstymoseley.com/ for more!

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One response to “Worth Fighting For by Kirsty Moseley: Review

  1. Ah! You just had to let me know there was a love triangle, I won’t be reading this story then sadly. But it looks freaking good though, maybe if I’m in the mood for an angsty, drama filled story I might look to pick this one up.

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