My 2018 reading challenges

Posted December 27, 2017 in Challenge Tags:

So, this year I decided to join in on 3 challenges. One specifically addresses my PAST DUE reviews. One will focus on an author I love so I can catch up on their back list of books. I decided to add the audiobook challenge because I am loving audiobooks lately! And my recent addition is the Out of this world challenge to help me get through the Ruby Dixon series!

In addition to these challenges, I will do both Winter and Summer COYER too 🙂 I hope you will join me (I also hope you will vote and help me pick the author for the Author Love challenge!)

Blogger Shame Challenge

(because I cannot be the only blogger with more books on their OLDER than 3 months shelf on Netgalley than I have on my current shelf…)

My goal is to read the 16 books on my Older than 3 months Netgalley shelf! As of today, that is:

  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct
  • The Hero
  • The Protector
  • Midnight Rescue
  • Blocked
  • Chasing a Legend
  • The Woman who couldn’t scream
  • Lucas
  • His Command
  • Into the Night
  • Mating Needs
  • Say No More
  • Alpha Crew: The Mission Begins
  • Wolf in her Soul
  • Savage Rising
  • The Power of a SEAL

Host: Herding Cats and Burning soup

Author Love Challenge

(because there are some great series out there that I have been meaning to catch up on. For real.)

So, I had a vote and the winner was Kristen Ashley!! Here are the Kristen Ashley books I have on my kindle, ready to go!

  • Wildest Dreams
  • Law Man
  • The Gamble
  • Motorcycle Man
  • Own the Wind
  • Fire Inside
  • At Peace
  • Breathe
  • The Will

My goal will be to read all of these by the end of the year!

Host: Because Reading

Audiobook challenge (because I love audiobooks!)

Host: Hot Listens and Caffeinated Book reviewer

My goal is the Binge Listener level (20-30). I typically listen to about 2 a month, so this should be a good goal for me! I will be using audio ARCs and the Romance package on audible for this one.

Out of this World Reading Challenge

Host: Addicted to Romance

My goal is level 1 (5-10 books). I read Ice Planet Barbarian by Ruby Dixon and enjoyed it so I would like to keep reading the series and this is a perfect challenge to motivate me to do that!

I hope you will join us! For the Audiobook Challenge and the Author Love challenge, you don’t need a blog-just a goodreads account! Check out the pages I have linked to for more info.

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