Brighter than the Sun by Maya Banks: Review

Posted March 9, 2017 in review Tags: ,

Brighter than the Sun by Maya Banks: ReviewBrighter than the Sun by Maya Banks
Series: KGI #11
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: Just One Touch
Amazon iBooks Audible

Searing action and passion ignite the latest KGI novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Darkest Before Dawn.
The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business.Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background.Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering.Handling jobs the U.S. government can’t...
As the last unattached member of the Kelly clan, Joe is more than ready to risk life and limb on any mission he’s assigned to, but when it comes to love, he’ll keep his distance. He’s content to watch his brothers become thoroughly domesticated.
Zoe’s had nothing but heartbreak in her life, and she’s determined to start over with a completely new identity, thanks to her college friend, Rusty Kelly. But it’s the gorgeous smile and tender words of Joe Kelly that begin to weaken her resolve to never risk her heart again. And Joe will have to put everything on the line to save Zoe, when secrets of her past resurface—and threaten to tear them apart…

Confession time: I attempted a Maya Banks book a few years ago. I don’t remember what it was called or even much about it, because I hated it and gave up pretty quickly. So, really, this is my first Maya Banks book. Brighter than the Sun was unexpectedly enjoyable since I wasn’t sure I would be able to finish this book either.

“Zoe” is on the run from her mafia boss father and an ex-boyfriend who was using her for something. She enlists the help of Rusty Kelly, her BFF and hacker extraordinaire to create a new identity for her and help her escape. Rusty brings her home to the Kelly compound. The place is a fortress filled with her kickass ex military brothers who now run a security/hostage rescue firm. If Zoe isn’t safe there, its possible she will never be safe anywhere!

Joe is the only Kelly brother who isn’t married and popping out kids. He is perfectly happy to keep his bachelor status! He sees Zoe as more than just a girl coming to visit her friend and recognizes the signs of fear and terror. He is determined to get to know her. Of course, you can imagine where this will lead!

The emotions are very well written and transverse the pages so much they had me in tears a few times.  Once the story picks up, there is a lot of suspense and danger to keep you glued to the pages, and I really appreciated that. Lately I have been struggling with books that are straight contemporary romance with little action. Banks gives you PLENTY of action. I really felt connected with the characters. The insta-love is a bit heavy on this one, so some people will be bothered by that; However, it didn’t really bother me at all!

Now my dilemma? This was book 11 in the series. I have so much to go back and catch up on now that I realize I do, in fact, enjoy Maya Banks’ books!


  • POV: 3rd
  • Tears: I cried through like the last 20% of this book!!
  • Trope: on the run, secret identity, mafia
  • Triggers: none
  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series.
  • Cliffhanger: View Spoiler »
  • HEA: View Spoiler »

Books by Susan Stoker, Cynthia Eden, Lena Diaz…then you will probably like Brighter than the Sun!

Brighter than the Sun

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3 responses to “Brighter than the Sun by Maya Banks: Review

  1. hahaha! 11 books in the series so far?? Yeah, you have quite a bit of catching up to do. lol! I’ve only read one or two books from Maya Banks and I remember enjoying them so I may have to check out one of her books again soon. Great review!

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