Angel by Janie Crouch

Posted February 26, 2019 in review Tags: , ,

Angel by Janie CrouchAngel by Janie Crouch
Pages: 261

Series: Linear Tactical #4
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Setting: Wyoming
Source: ARC
Also in this series: Cyclone, Eagle, Shamrock, Ghost, Shadow, Echo, Phoenix, Baby, Storm, Redwood, Scout
Also by this author: Special Forces Savior, Man of Action, Infiltration, Survival Instinct, Daddy Defender, Armed Response, In the Lawman's Protection, Cyclone, Eagle, Shamrock, Ghost, Calculated Risk, Security Risk, Shadow, Constant Risk, Risk Everything, Echo, Phoenix, Baby, Storm, Redwood, Scout, Code Name: Aries, Code Name: Virgo , Code Name: Libra, Texas Bodyguard: Luke, Hero Unbound
Amazon iBooks

Angel totally took me by surprise in the best possible way. Jordan is a character we have met before-she is the town pariah because her father stole the townspeople’s money and then she fell asleep at the wheel and killed a mother and son. Now, years later, Jordan is out of prison and has returned to her tiny hometown because that is where her mother’s family has always lived. She refuses to be pushed out of her beloved home. The people in town are HORRIBLE to her. Seriously, I pretty much cried throughout this entire book because my heart broke for Jordan.

Gabriel is Violet’s brother and he runs Collingwood tech. He is an ex Navy SEAL, brilliant, and suspicious of pretty much everyone. Initally, he wants to pay Jordan to leave his sister alone but Jordan won’t be bought off. She loves working for Violet. Gabriel struggles because as much as he is suspicious of Jordan, he is attracted to her. His behavior sometimes made me see RED. As his sister said, for a genius, he was an idiot.

As you might guess, Angel is the story between Jordan and Gabriel (call sign Angel), but also the story of Jordan and the town. Honestly, its impossible to not feel such deep sympathy for Jordan and it is so disheartening to see that the town would treat her so horribly! This story became one of my favorites and its all because Jordan is one of the most amazing characters.



Crimson Point series by Kaylea Cross, Redemption Harbor series by Katie Reus, Mountain Mercenaries series by Susan Stoker…then you will probably like Angel!



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