Code Name: Aries by Janie Crouch

Posted September 21, 2021 in review Tags: , , ,

Code Name: Aries by Janie CrouchCode Name: Aries by Janie Crouch
Pages: 333

Series: Zodiac Tactical #1
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Setting: Denver, CO
Source: ARC
Also in this series: Code Name: Virgo , Code Name: Libra
Also by this author: Special Forces Savior, Man of Action, Infiltration, Survival Instinct, Daddy Defender, Armed Response, In the Lawman's Protection, Cyclone, Eagle, Shamrock, Angel, Ghost, Calculated Risk, Security Risk, Shadow, Constant Risk, Risk Everything, Echo, Phoenix, Baby, Storm, Redwood, Scout, Code Name: Virgo , Code Name: Libra, Texas Bodyguard: Luke, Hero Unbound
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My code name is Aries.The stars say I’m aggressive, dominant, first in line to lead.
The stars aren’t wrong.
Zodiac Tactical is my company. It’s run by those I’ve chosen for their skills and ability to outmaneuver adversaries. We guard, protect, rescue…assist on the side of the angels.
We eliminate the threat when nobody else can.
My pastime of putting bad guys out of business has created powerful enemies, but I’ve always made sure there was nothing in my life I couldn’t live without.
Until now. Until her.
She’s not a warrior, she’s an artist. She sees colors everywhere and greets the world—and me—with a smile. I knew I shouldn’t come near her from the beginning, but she’s everything I’ve never been able to be.
And now a monster has taken her, caged her, to get even with me.
My code name is Aries. And I will burn the world to the ground to get her back.
•••USA Today and Publisher's Weekly bestselling author Janie Crouch brings the long-awaited follow-up to her Linear Tactical series: Zodiac Tactical—the team of protectors who stand at the front line in the face of danger. Come meet Ian DeRose, the safeguarding warrior who will do anything to defend gentle Wavy Bollinger.

Code Name Aries is a bit of a spin off from the Linear Tactical series, but with more danger! Wavy from Oak Creek meets Ian DeRose in a fairly funny meet cute. I knew from the start I was gonna really enjoy this book. I wasn’t wrong.

There is serious danger right from the jump in this book. It really gets crazy pretty quick. I’m not going to lie, it was so difficult read at some points because of what happens to Wavy. The relationship between Wavy and Ian is interesting. They start off rocky, then they slowly start to build something, then tragedy. What happens after that shows a lot of heart on Ian’s part and I thought that really ups the romance.

Code Name Aries kicks off a seriously insane series as the Zodiac guys have to face a dangerous new group. There is a great cast of supporting characters, plenty of romance, and overall, a great start to the new series. I really enjoyed it and am excited for more!



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Code Name Aries

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