Do you make bookish goals?

Posted December 5, 2020 in Discussion Tags:

Reading Goals: A discussion

2020 is coming to an end. December is the time of year we reflect on lots of things, but for my and my blog, it’s all about bookish goals.


I have a terrible relationship with goals. I make them and I really want to achieve them. But, I also really love things that stand in the way of my goals-like naps, or binging The Big Bang Theory for the 1000th time.


My bookish goals tend to end up the same way-wanted, but ultimately unachieved. Yet, every year, I say to my self “This is the year! I will read more TBR books! I will lose 5lbs a month! I will read all ARCs on time!” And for about 3 months, I am killing it. But then I get distracted. Or tired. Usually both! So, my promise to myself is that this year, only 1 goal and it will be the simple Goodreads goal. Also, I’m gonna low ball so I feel super accomplished.


So, here is my 2020 goodreads goal. Yay me! Spoiler alert: it was originally 150 books, but about 1/2 way through the year I was despondent over the “X number of books behind schedule” that was constantly displayed. Then I was despondent over another goal that I “quit”.

You might be thinking “geez, it’s just a reading goal. Calm down, crazy lady.” and you would be correct. I think I tend to look at all goals the same whether they are important or not and failure of any leads to a shame spiral in which I convince myself that if I can’t even do X, I will never be able to accomplish anything. Welcome to life with obsessive type OCD.


So, what are you thoughts on your bookish goals for 2021? Are you all about the challenges or are you going to super low key in 2021?

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7 responses to “Do you make bookish goals?

  1. I have bookish goals. I try to be very relaxed about them. I set my Goodreads goal to 50 because I know I’ll read that much, even in a busy year. Next year I have goals about what types of books I want to read, but who knows if I’ll actually achieve that.

  2. I don’t blame you for low balling your reading goal. I love exceeding it. Goodreads will send me those encouraging emails, and it’s something I can be certain I will crush. I don’t have goals, as much as I enjoy challenges, which steer my reading a bit. It’s fun to check off those boxes. Good luck with your GR challenge.

  3. I’ve got bookish goals. I used to be very strict on them, but as the years go on I became more relaxed. I like to keep my Reading Goal to 150. That’s a reasonable number and I do do re-reads. ^_^ As for other goals/challenges. I used to have a lot of challenges, but now I like to stick with The Library Love and Audiobooks. I might do New Releases, but I think I’m going to nix that one and just stick with the three goals. Have not so many challenges/goals has been more relaxing. Good luck with 2021 Goals.

  4. I have had years where I did tons of challenges and other years where I have just stuck with the basics like Library Love and COYER. I’m hosting Library Love and the Read-along. I could easily do audio or New Release and have. But I decided I wanted to spend time READING rather than linking up to challenges. I also wanted to read more books I own. I decided this year to read 3 books a month I already own and that has gone pretty well. For my Goodreads goal, I think of the year as 50 weeks and so I say I’ll read 4 books a week which is about 200 books a year but I’ve read over 300 but 300 would be a crazy goal and only stress me out.

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Read-along & Giveaway: Psy-Changeling by Nalini Singh
  5. I’ve gotten much better about relaxing my seriousness about goals – maybe too good? I don’t beat myself up anymore, but I also am pretty consistent about setting goals ALL THE TIME. I fail this month, then I set new goals next month.

    Congrats on your goodreads goal – even if you did adjust it. I adjusted mine and still am not going to make it. Meh. It’s 2020 right?!

  6. Iza

    I made bookish goals (read my physical TBR), I also planned on cheating by reading the same books for different challenges, see the idea ? ^^ I like the idea of goals and challenges, the problem is that after a while, it begins to feel like an obligation and a chore, so I tend to rebel. Sigh. But it doesn’t keep me from trying !

  7. Oh, I keep my reading goals very simple – after all, it’s my biggest hobby and I read because I enjoy it, so I’m absolutely not going to erect guilt-traps to take away the joy. Every year I set a challenge of reading 100 books on Goodreads and every year I achieve it. I try to ensure that I achieve gender parity between the authors I read over the year – and the other main one is to read all my arcs and post reviews within a reasonable time of their release. There is one that I consistently fail, however – to shorten my TBR pile. And now… I just shrug. I’ll never get to read them all, so pick the ones I really, really want to read. Life is too short to do anything else!

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