Fan the Flames by Katie Ruggle: Review

Posted June 29, 2016 in review Tags: ,

Fan the Flames by Katie Ruggle: ReviewFan the Flames by Katie Ruggle
Pages: 352
Series: Search and Rescue #2
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Also in this series: Hold Your Breath, Gone Too Deep, In Safe Hands
Also by this author: Hold Your Breath, Gone Too Deep, In Safe Hands, Run to Ground, On the Chase, Survive the Night, Through the Fire, Rocky Mountain Christmas Cowboy , Fish Out of Water
Amazon iBooks

In the remote Rocky Mountains, lives depend on the Search & Rescue brotherhood. But in a place this far off the map, trust is hard to come by and secrets can be murder...

As a Motorcycle Club member and firefighter, Ian Walsh is used to riding the line between the good guys and the bad. He may owe the Club his life, but his heart rests with his fire station brothers...and with the girl he's loved since they were kids, Rory Sorenson. Ian would do anything for Rory. He'd die for her. Kill for her. Defend her to his last breath-and he may just have to.

Every con in the Rockies knows Rory is the go-to girl for less-than-legal firearms, and for the past few years, she's managed to keep the peace between dangerous factions by remaining strictly neutral. But when she defends herself against a brutal attack, Rory finds herself catapulted into the center of a Motorcycle Club war-with only Ian standing between her and a threat greater than either of them could have imagined.

Fan the Flames
Katie Ruggle

what i think

This is becoming one of my favorite series. The plot is well written and there is just so much going on. In Fan the Flames, you have Ian being suspected of murder, Rory’s shop being burglarized, issues with the Liverton Riders MC, and more. Through all that action, you have the slow burn relationship of Rory and Ian which I also felt was well done.

Rory is a very unique character. She was raised by parents who were ‘doomsday preppers’. She was isolated from the world, home schooled, not allowed to interact with others, and forced to do Zombie apocalypse drills at 2 am even as a child. So, by now, in her 20’s, she struggles with social interaction because its all so foreign to her. After  her parents death, she takes over running the family’s gun shop and she enjoys it a great deal. Because its so ingrained in her, she continues some of her parents draconian ways, including living in a windowless bunker and have an insane amount of security measures. Rory knows that she isn’t good in social situations and doesn’t know how to read social cues, so she struggles with the messages that Ian is sending. Thankfully, he ‘gets’ her quirks and is patient and understanding without being condescending.

While the romance isn’t as hot and fast as some books, I think its beautifully done. Rory is obviously not used to male attention; she has never been on a date or even been kissed. So, I think moving too fast would have been a terrible move for Ruggle to make for these characters. If you like your books to have a LOT going on-mystery, danger, mortal peril, slow burn romance, and more, I think this is a perfect choice. While you can read it without reading book 1, I wouldn’t recommend it. You get the story of who Ian is accused of killing in book 1. I thought book 1 was great as well, so its not a hardship to read that one first!


  • POV: 3rd
  • Tears: none
  • Trope: mortal peril, virgin
  • Triggers: none
  • Series/Standalone: Series
  • Cliffhanger: Some things are left open for the next book, but the mystery/action of this book is wrapped up!
  • HEA: View Spoiler »

if you liked

Man of Action by Janie Crouch, Special forces Savior by Janie Crouch, Cold Hearted by Toni Anderson…then you will probably like Fan the Flames!

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Other Books in the Series


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5 responses to “Fan the Flames by Katie Ruggle: Review

  1. I haven’t read this author’s books before, but you make me want to soo bad. The covers are great! I like that the romance isn’t hot and fast. Sometimes those slower to build romances are exactly what I need.
    Lovely review! 🙂

    • Yes, I am starting to totally love this series. Its a nice break from some of the ‘straight to the sex’ books! I love a really well written slow romance.

  2. oh I do appreciate a well written romance, and it can be refreshing to not have it be so hot and rushed (although that seems to be the most popular) the slow and steady type is more satisfying. I do love the mix of romance and danger though—it can be quite invigorating. I have the first book on my kindle, and your review convinced me I need to pick this author up and SOON!! Lovely review!

    • Thanks!! I am really loving this series! I agree-so many books jump right to the sexy times and there isn’t much else. Sometimes thats okay, but its nice to have a really engaging story like this one!

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