Feel Me by Cecy Robson: Review

Posted May 25, 2017 in review Tags: ,

Feel Me by Cecy Robson: ReviewFeel Me by Cecy Robson
Pages: 308
Series: The O'Brien Family #3
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: ARC
Also in this series: Let Me, Crave Me, Save Me
Also by this author: Let Me, Inseverable, Crave Me, Eternal, Save Me

RT Book Reviews proclaims that the O’Brien Family series from award-winning author Cecy Robson “has the hottest brothers ever!” And in FEEL ME, Declan, the sexy, driven powerhouse meets the one woman immune to his charm . . .
Declan O’Brien was always driven to take his place among Philly’s elite, working hard for everything he’s earned, including the title of Assistant District Attorney. He’s won seemingly impossible cases, so he’s furious when he’s assigned to lead the one unit he doesn’t want.
Melissa Fenske was born hearing impaired to a neglectful mother, finding solace when she was adopted by a young attorney, now Declan’s boss. As the current Director of Victim Services, Melissa’s livid when Declan is placed in the main unit she oversees. She can’t forget their disastrous first encounter. Or shake how he makes her feel.
Declan considers the assignment another step toward his political aspirations, despite that he can’t get Melissa out of his mind. Melissa sees Declan as egotistical and self-serving, kicking herself for how fast she’s falling for him. Someone as hot, smooth, and perfect as Declan isn’t supposed to want her.
In another situation with any other woman, Declan wouldn’t hesitate to take Melissa to bed. But she is the boss’s daughter, and for once, Declan finds himself wanting more than just a one night stand.
Neither counted on each other. Both just met their match.

I have enjoyed all of Cecy Robson’s O’Brien books, but Feel Me is close to my heart. Melissa, our heroine, is hearing impaired. The nuances of being hearing impaired that she shares in the book are things that I deal with daily. The frustration of hearing aids, the oddness of plunging yourself into a silent world, the daily struggle of communication…Everything Melissa mentioned had me feeling less alone in my personal struggle with hearing loss.

As if that wasn’t enough to make me adore Melissa, her job as a victims advocate makes it impossible not to love her. She helps people through the most traumatic event in their life and guides them through the judicial process to help them get justice and closure. It is a very emotionally draining job that most people could never do. And if that isn’t enough, her backstory will make you want to hug her tight. She is tough on Declan, but not without reason.

Declan is power hungry. He has been focused on being head DA of homicide, then mayor, and maybe one day, governor. So, when he is assigned as the DA for SACU, he is pissed. But, he has a great deal of respect for Melissa’s father, the current DA. But, he and Melissa had a disastrous first meeting and he has been putting his foot in his mouth every time he sees her from then on. But, he is attracted to Melissa. Not his usual type, he finds himself thinking that maybe love isn’t a myth.

My struggle with the story was Declan. He has such a painful past that he refuses to believe that love is in the cards for him. This past pain prevents him from really being all in with Melissa. I wanted to shake him! I get that his dad was a jerk who cheated on his mom, but he has 3 siblings who have found real love! He hurts Melissa, even though that wasn’t his plan, because he can’t get past his hang ups. It was such a dichotomy to Melissa who had spent her life with struggles and kept pushing through. Declan was paralyzed by his own fear of love.

Like all of Robson’s books, the characters of Feel Me are complex and dynamic, the emotions are raw and real, and the ending is sweet and heartwarming.



Until Sage by Aurora Rose Reynolds, Jordan Reclaimed by Scarlett Cole, Max by Sawyer Bennett…then you will probably like Feel Me!

Feel Me

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