Final Siege by Scarlett Cole

Posted February 8, 2018 in review Tags: ,

Final Siege by Scarlett ColeFinal Siege by Scarlett Cole
Pages: 300
Series: Love Over Duty #2
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also in this series: Under Fire, Deep Cover
Also by this author: The Strongest Steel, The Fractured Heart, The Purest Hook, The Darkest Link, Jordan Reclaimed, Under Fire, Deep Cover , Love in Numbers, The Games We Play
Amazon iBooks


Former SEAL Malachai “Mac” MacCarrick is all about the future he’s created with his Navy brothers in Eagle Securities, taking assignments in the most dangerous places, and doing things no one but ex-military would attempt. But when an urgent phone call brings his troubled past—and the woman he once loved—into the present, it’s a chance to redeem himself that he can’t refuse.


An investigative journalist researching an explosive story, Delaney Shapiro tells herself she got over Mac—and his role in her brother’s death—a long time ago. But the first moment she sees him at her bedside in an overseas hospital, she knows it’s not true. Every moment together rekindles the desire that once burned between them, and now that she’s a target for an emerging Russian arms dealer, Mac won’t let her out of his sight. To protect her, he’ll risk it all—including his life…

Final Siege is part second chance romance and part terrorist suspense story. Mac and Delaney were in love as teens. However, Mac’s involvement in Delaney’s brother’s death caused a rift they couldn’t overcome. Now, 14 years later, Delaney is in trouble. She is an investigative reporter whose story has put her in danger. Mac, a former SEAL who now runs a security firm, wants to help her but she is adamant that he leave her alone.

Mac and Delaney’s story is so sad. Brock’s death was such a tragedy that many couples might not have survived; add in Delaney’s feeling that Mac is responsible and you have an end that no couple could survive. I admired Delaney’s determination to her job. She is passionate about honest media and reporting. She wants to root out terrorists and those supporting them. Mac spent years as a SEAL trying to do the same thing. Both Mac and Delaney are smart and loyal which makes them engaging characters that you care about.

I admit-I struggled to get into this book. With a relatively explosive start, it really slowed down and got a bit boring. Once Delaney is back in San Diego, things just sort of got boring for a while. It was odd pacing and it threw me off. Normally I don’t feel this way about Cole’s books. Things pick up again but by then, I was just not invested. It took me days to finish this book. That is unusual for me-once I start a book I am usually done in 24 hours! Maybe it was just me and not the story at all. Its possible!

There is some connection to plot in the previous book, so it might be helpful to read them in order!


Overall: three-stars

books by Katie Reus, Susan Stoker, …then you will probably like Final Siege!


Final Siege

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About Scarlett Cole

Scarlett Cole is a writer of contemporary romance and a two-time RITA finalist. Her debut, THE STRONGEST STEEL, has already become an Amazon best seller in romantic suspense, was a Best Debut Goodreads Author Finalist 2015, and Authors On The Air Global Radio Network Contemporary Romance Pick of 2015.

When Scarlett isn't writing, she spends her time reading, hoarding mason jars, and working out to off-set an epic sour candy habit. She likes hot men, cold beer, and expensive shoes.

Having travelled the world for work and fun, Scarlett is a citizen of both Britain and Canada. A true city-dweller, she considers Toronto and Manchester home and likes to set her books in vibrant locations such as Miami and Los Angeles.

Rep'd by Beth Phelan at The Bent Agency, and published by St. Martin's Press.

She'd love to hear from you on twitter @itsscarlettcole

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One response to “Final Siege by Scarlett Cole

  1. Pacing issues can make or break a book. Sorry to hear this sort of fizzled for you, Samantha. I’m looking forward to reading more Cole after this one since this is my first experience and I ended up enjoying it. Glad to hear you’ve enjoyed her books in the past. Great review! 🙂

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