Paradise Lagoon by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Posted July 19, 2023 in review Tags:

Paradise Lagoon by Caroline Peckham and Susanne ValentiParadise Lagoon by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti
Pages: 632
Series: Harlequin Crew #4
Genres: Dark Romance
Setting: Sunset Cove
Source: Amazon
Also in this series: Sinners' Playground, Dead Man's Isle
Also by this author: Sinners' Playground, Dead Man's Isle
Amazon Audible

I made my choice. I took the hard way out. Now all of our fates are riding on the dice I’m about to throw and luck never was on our side.
I was whole once, with my boys in this slice of paradise we’d carved out for ourselves, but in the time that we were parted we grew up. Grew apart. And as much as I might have yearned to reclaim that girl with the sand between her toes and the sun on her cheeks, it’s time I admit that I spent too long in the shadows to ever truly be her again.
My heart may be breaking for the men I left behind, but I know that I can make that pain count for something, because I’m no fool believing the pretty promises of a mad man.
No. I’m the assassin he just opened his fortress to. And now that I’m inside, I intend to repay him for every moment of suffering he has inflicted upon me and my boys.
Shawn Mackenzie thought he killed me once upon a time. Now this dead girl is back to return the favour.

Paradise Lagoon continues where Carnival Row left off-which was a huge cliffhanger. So, our heroes and heroine are in danger. Always. But, they always make time for kinky sex.

So, this is one seriously lawless town. You have to suspend reality and just go along with it, because if you think about it too much, it all just becomes so insanely ridiculous. Honestly, I think its only because I’m invested that I keep reading. I just want to see Shawn die a horrible death and figure out if Luther is gonna hook up with Carmen. Murder and sex are the only things happening in the story. There really isn’t a “plot” beyond a pseudo gang war for “territory”. But, y’all, I cannot stop reading. There are times I put it down and think “I’m done. No more” but then I can’t let it go. So, thankfully there is only 1 book left and I can finally end this toxic relationship.


Overall: three-half-stars

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Paradise Lagoon


Sinner's Playground

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