Wolf and his fellow SEAL team members have saved many lives, and been in even more harrowing situations, but their latest mission might prove the most difficult of all. Charged with rescuing American soldier, Sergeant Penelope Turner, from the clutches of ISIS, the men infiltrate the refugee camp where she’s believed to be held. The conditions are horrific, the search nearly impossible, but Penelope herself could prove the key to their success…if the SEALs can interpret her clues.
An unforgiving desert, perilous mountain terrain, a rising body count and insurgents on the hunt…all of this and more stands between the SEALs completing their mission and returning home to their women, left to bravely deal with fears of their own stateside.
Sometimes a mission is more than one team can handle. With a little help from newfound friends, the SEALS won’t stop until they’ve won the day. Failure is not an option.
** Protecting the Future is the 8th and final book in the Seal of Protection Series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings. (Personal Note: Don’t read this book until you have read at least a few of the other ones! This book has all the characters and frankly, its a lot of people to keep up with and if you don’t already know them from previous books, you will lose interest quick!)
Caroline lay in bed with one arm slung over her husband’s chest and idly ran her fingers over his nipple. They were both content and sated after making love for the second time that night.
“Do you think they’ll ever find her?”
“Who, darlin’?”
“Penelope. That woman who was kidnapped in the Middle East.”
Matthew “Wolf” Steel shifted under his wife and kissed her forehead lightly. “Probably not.” He felt Caroline sigh as she turned her head into his chest and nuzzled farther into him.
“I can’t help but imagine myself in her place,” Caroline said sadly.
“Ice, I can’t—”
“No, I know. It’s not the same thing really at all, but every time they’ve shown that video of her and how she’s probably being forced to say all those horrible things, all I can think of is that her tone doesn’t match the look in her eyes.”
“What do you mean?” Wolf asked, genuinely curious.
“She sounds meek and serious, but I swear, Matthew, her eyes look pissed. As if she’s just waiting for her chance to turn around and kill all those men who are keeping her captive. And I see it because I know just how she feels. When I was kidnapped and that jerk was filming me, I was saying one thing, but deep inside felt something way different. And I was doing everything I could to send a message to you, and whoever else might watch that video, through my eyes. I know, it was stupid to think you could actually read what I wanted to say in my eyes, but inside I was thinking about how much I loved you. I was trying to tell you where I was, and I was pleading for you to come and find me. I could be wrong, but it’s obvious, at least to me, that Penelope Turner is trying to say many of the same things.”
Wolf turned until Caroline was on her back and he loomed over her. He braced himself up on an elbow and brushed a strand of her dark hair behind her ear with his other hand. She grabbed his biceps and looked up at him with such love, he still had to pinch himself sometimes to make sure it was real.
Three years had passed since he’d made her his wife, and every day since then he thanked his lucky stars they’d found each other. She made him happier than he’d ever been in his life.
“Yeah, I saw it back then as I watched you on tape, and I see it in Sergeant Turner now.”
Caroline bit her lip, then asked, “Do you think they’re…hurting her?”
Wolf kept his voice low and tried to sound reassuring. “It’s hard to say. They’re certainly keeping her for a reason, probably because she’s small, blonde, and a woman. They want to force the world to pay more attention to them and take them seriously.”
“You mean the bombing of that wedding last month didn’t do it?” Caroline’s tone showed her irritation.
Wolf shook his head, amazed that he could fall in love with his wife more every time she opened her mouth. He loved that she didn’t take things at face value, that she felt deeply and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. “Unfortunately, no. They need something bigger than that. And kidnapping a group of Americans isn’t big, not like on the scale that 9/11 was, but if they keep the U.S. distracted—and putting a beautiful, petite woman on television and making her say anti-American and anti-British things is distracting—perhaps they can work their way up to another grand gesture.”
“I love you, Matthew.”
Wolf smiled down at Caroline, not surprised at her change in subject. “I love you too, Ice.”
New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Texas where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, and Indiana. She’s married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.
She debuted her first series in 2014 and quickly followed that up with the SEAL of Protection Series, which solidified her love of writing and creating stories readers can get lost in.
Website: http://www.stokeraces.com/
Newsletter: http://www.stokeraces.com/contact.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Susan_Stoker
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8247140.Susan_Stoker
Check out my interview with Susan!
So, I have read every one of these. I can honestly tell you, they are some of my favorite books. If you like an Alpha hero who isn’t a man whore or an asshole, you will LOVE these guys. And, I love all the girls too. They are normal people (GASP! What a crazy idea!) and so relatable. The action in the books is great and the pacing is perfect. Susan’s books are automatic one-clicks for me and I have never been disappointed!
In case you are wondering, Protecting Jessyka is my favorite 🙂 However, I still love all of them and 6 out of 7 were 4 or 5 star reads for me!
Book one, Protecting Caroline is FREE! Book 2, Protecting Alabama is on sale. Trust me, you will not be disappointed!
My review of Protecting the Future will be up on the blog on Sunday (spoiler alert: I loved it!)
Check out the series HERE!

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