Review: Six of Hearts

Posted May 3, 2015 in review Tags: ,

Review: Six of HeartsSix of Hearts by L.H. Cosway
Pages: 358

Series: Hearts #1
Also in this series: Hearts of Blue, Thief of Hearts, Hearts on Air
Also by this author: King of Hearts (Hearts, #3), Hearts of Blue, The Player and the Pixie, Showmance, Thief of Hearts, Hearts on Air

Step right up and meet Jay Fields: Illusionist. Mentalist. Trickster.
I think in triangles. You think in straight lines.
I show you a table and make you believe it’s a chair.
Smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand, misdirection. I trick and deceive.
But most of all, I put on a good show.
The world thinks I killed a man, but I didn't. Bear with me. It’s all a part of the plan.
Revenge is what I want. I want it for me and I want it for her.I want it for all six of us.
She doesn't remember me, but she’s the reason for everything. She’ll be my prize at the end of all this–if I can hold onto my willpower, that is. Maybe I’ll slip up a little, have a taste, just a small one.
So go ahead and pick a card. Come inside and see the show. Look at my hands, look so closely that you can’t see what’s happening while you’re so focused on looking. I’ll be destroying your world from right here in the spotlight.
You’ll never see me coming until it’s too late.
I've only got one heart, and after I've pulled off my grand deception I’ll hand it right to her.
So, sit back, relax, and let my girl tell you our story. You’re in for one hell of a ride.


Title: Six of Hearts (Hearts#1)

Author: L.H. Cosway



Wow! This book totally surprised me. It has been on my TBR list for awhile. It sounded interesting for sure, but I just never got around to grabbing it. HUGE MISTAKE! So, let me start with why you need this book:

1. Jay. Best hero I have read in a book in a LONG time. He is not a d-bag alpha. He has so much love and respect for Matilda and it shows in everything he does. I think he is the best written male hero in any book I have read (and I have read a LOT of books people!)

2. Matilda. Matilda is so normal! She is insecure and awkward but not in a way that makes her seem unrealistic. She does things we all do-ramble when your nervous, struggle with what to say, etc. She is also a hopeless romantic and its just adorable. I love that she had a tragic event in her past but it doesn’t define her present. She mentions a few times when the event seems to really affect her, but she doesn’t dwell and that was refreshing.

3. This book is intriguing. While I figured out a few things pretty early on, I still couldn’t quite figure out all Jay’s actions (in regards to the trial). This book has a good balance of romance and intrigue. The trial doesn’t take up the entire book to create drama; it plays a nice addition to the romance between Jay and Matilda.

4. The secondary characters. Jessie and Michelle are great! They add humor throughout! (Seriously, these two are funny!)

5. That cover! I mean, its perfect for the book!

Ok, I can’t say more about this book without giving it all away and I don’t want to do that! I could seriously gush about this book for hours. L. H. Cosway has written a book that is unique, romantic, and interesting. I couldn’t put it down and when it was over, I had a major book hangover. I’m still kind of in book hangover land!


I’m not sure that there is anything. I will say this-the trial has nothing to do with the murder he is accused of so that was kind of a fake out in the book description. Sometimes I wish the trial had more drama but that could be just because I read way too many angsty books!



The best part about all this was finding out its a SERIES!! Heck yeah!

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Six of Hearts: Goodreads | Amazon

Hearts of Fire: Goodreads | Amazon

King of Hearts: Goodreads (not up for pre-order on Amazon yet)

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