Review: The Allure of Julian Lefrey

Posted June 29, 2015 in review, romance Tags: ,

The Allure of Julian Lefray by R.S. Grey
Pages: 366

Series: The Allure #1
Also in this series: The Allure of Dean Harper
Also by this author: The Allure of Dean Harper, Out of Bounds

From: JosephineKeller@LLDesigns.comTo: LilyNBlack@gmail.comSubject: Justin Timberlake Nudes!Lily, you predictable perv. I knew you’d open this email faster if I tempted you with a glimpse of JT's “PP”. Well, put your pants back on and grab some bubbly because I have much better news to share.I GOT A JOB!As of tomorrow, I’ll be the new executive assistant at Lorena Lefray Designs. I am SO excited, but there’s one itty bitty problem: I won’t be Lorena’s assistant. I’ll be working for her older brother, Julian.I know what you're thinking- "But Jo, what’s the problem?"Google him. Now. He’s the man in the fitted navy suit whose face reminds you that there’s hope yet for this cruel, ugly world. Keep scrolling…Do you see those dimples? Yup. That’s the Julian Lefray I will be reporting to tomorrow morning.Lord, help us all...XO,Jo


First off, if you haven’t read RS Grey before, you are seriously missing out! Her books are the perfect combination of romantic and funny. Now, what did I love about The Allure of Julian Lefrey? Oh where do I start!?

1. Julian is my new favorite book boyfriend. He is just plain awesome! He isn’t an alpha-a hole! He is a successful businessman who does his best to respect Jo and her feelings and fears. He is everything I want in a book character! Seriously, I cannot rave about him enough!

2. Jo rocks! Here is a girl who is working hard for her dream and has doubts about her choices. Her concerns make her seem so real and I think anyone who has graduated from college will remember having all the feelings that Jo expresses!

3. Dual POV is the best! I love dual POV but its even better when I actually love both characters! Getting insight into Julian makes me love him so much and understanding Jo made me feel so much compassion for her because I have been where she was in life (post grad trying to do what you love but unsure and scared!)

4. Believable romance! The book progresses at a normal pace for a romance to bloom. They both express the insta lust, but the book builds on that until the realize they are FRIENDS!! What a novel idea 😉 Because they became close friends, the relationship that develops is so much more believable.

5. As in typical RS Grey fashion, its funny!


I am a lover of books, chocolate, reality TV, black labs, and cold weather. Seriously, if I had it my way, I would be curled up on the couch with all of those things… everyday.

I live in Texas where I spend my free time writing and reading. My favorite authors include Mindy Kaling & Jonathan Safran Foer. I’m a comedy geek and love all things “funny”. Women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Mindy Kaling are definitely the biggest inspirations for my writing, though I think my work tends to skew a bit smuttier than theirs.

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