Incumbent: Review

Posted November 13, 2015 in review Tags:

Incumbent: ReviewIncumbent by Joanne Schwehm

Series: The Prescott Series #1
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Also in this series: Gripped, Charmed
Also by this author: Gripped, Charmed

Secrets and lies have been the foundation of Lucy Washburn’s life. We’re taught to learn from our past, and she’s definitely learned from hers. Now that she knows what not to do and whom not to trust, her life is finally coming together, just as she hoped.
Until she meets him.
Drake Prescott was that kid; you know the type. Both an athlete and a scholar, he was determined to achieve his goals and dreams, the most important being elected president of the United States. There isn’t anything he desires more than to hear “Hail to the Chief” played in his honor. Now an incumbent U.S. senator seeking reelection and paving his road to the White House, he’s living his dreams.
Until he meets her.

Joanne Schwemm

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what i think

My early thoughts about Incumbent were not wrong. This book was wonderful. Drake is this honest, intelligent, passionate man who happens to be a politician. Lucy is a teacher who went into teaching for all the right reasons! These are 2 honorable people in a world that loves to tear you down. Their story felt real to me and I wasn’t expecting that. I also wasn’t expecting the tears but this book did make me cry a little. The other Prescott siblings are amazing as well and I cannot wait for their books! (I totally think Gretchen and Mason will get together!). Joanne Schwehm has managed to write a beautiful book about a world that isn’t always beautiful. While you do get to see the ugly side of politics the book was still different from what I expected. You figure out early on what will most likely happen, and even seeing it coming, I was still surprised by a few things.

[bctt tweet=”Joanne Schwehm has managed to write a beautiful book about a world that isn’t always beautiful.”]

Book Details:

POV: Dual (my favorite POV)
Tears: I did tear up a few times
Trope: Politician, Girl on the Run
Triggers: None
Cliffhanger: No
HEA: View Spoiler »


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where to get it

Other Books in the Series

None yet but Incumbent is book 1 in the Prescott series!



Joanne Schwehm is a wife, mother and romance author who loves to write and read romance. She loves to create stories that readers can get lost in. Her desire is to have readers want to get to know her characters and be a part of their lives.


She loves the NY Yankees and the Dallas Cowboys and also enjoys playing golf (and the cute outfits that she gets to buy to wear on the course). Her motto is, “If you can’t play well, then look good trying.”


To put it simply, Joanne believes everyone should have romance in their lives. She hopes her books bring joy and happiness to readers who enjoy modern day fairy tales and breathless moments.

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