My spring TBR: Top Ten Tuesday

Posted March 15, 2016 in Top 10 Tags: ,

My Spring TBR

Its finally starting to feel like spring around here (Ohio)! I love winter (I really do-snow is awesome!) but I am excited for spring because it means I am closer to summer vacation! I have recently been focused on my #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks challenge, so for my Top Ten Tuesday this week, these are the 10 books on my TBR that I plan to read for this challenge!

Distraction by Aurora Rose Reynolds

#Junkie by Cambria Hebert

Sweet Home by Tille Cole

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Until Jax by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Crashed by K. Bromberg

The Vixen and the Vet by Katy Regnery

Last Call by Michele G Miller

Cooper by Harper Sloan

Cocky Bastard by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland

So, tell me, whats on your spring TBR?

TTT spring TBR-min

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2 responses to “My spring TBR: Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Jen

    I want to read The Raven Boys too! Especially with the final book coming out next month, yay! I ♥ the snow! We just got 2 more feet this last weekend, but it’s going to be in the 60s tomorrow which I’m sure will have me craving summer! We’re sooo close….kinda. 😉
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

  2. I’m also hoping to read the Raven Boys – I wanted to start the series this month, but when The Raven King got pushed back I decided to leave them until May/June time – might just squeeze them into spring! 🙂

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