Sunday Post: Summer!

Posted June 4, 2017 in Roundup Tags: ,

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Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

  • And check out my #COYER post (with a giveaway!)
  • Favorite read of the week? SILVER SILENCE! GAH!

What’s Coming Up:

  • Revenge by Lexi Blake
  • Cougar Bait by Evangeline Anderson
  • The Enforcer by Katana Collins
  • Hearts on Air by LH Cosway
  • Protecting Kiera by Susan Stoker

This Week’s New Releases:

Open Giveaways:

What I Found Online:

This Week’s Book Haul:

ARCs thanks to the amazing authors and publishers who feed my addiction!

I also received an early copy of Stay Close from ALEXA RILEY!!! (I love them so much!)
WON from the lovely Corinne Michaels

Non-Bookish News:

Schools out for summer! Woohoo! Graduation was Friday night. I am very close to my students in this particular group so seeing them graduate was bitter sweet. As a special education teacher, I am so incredibly proud of them. But, as a teacher who has been with them since they were freshmen (been there for the good, the bad, and the ugly!), I will miss them terribly. I cried. A lot. Plus, one of my favorite coworkers is moving on to another school. Again, bitter sweet because I am thrilled for her-this is a position that she has wanted for years. But I will miss her dearly. So, losing my favorite students AND my favorite coworker? Its been a tough week for me emotionally.

So, our AC went out on the 26th. Now I have spend $9000 on a new AC unit and a new furnace (because apparently we needed both). 2 weeks before our vacation was not the time I planned on dropping 9K, but what can you do? So, I financed it all and will be paying it for the next forever months. But, at least we won’t have to worry about it for a long time. Our energy bills are CRAZY high and we always knew it was because the AC was ancient (its 40 years old!) but we didn’t realize the furnace was 28 years old! So, I am Β hoping to pay less monthly in electric bills as a trade off for this large purchase.

That was my week! Time with my graduating students, time with my departing coworker, and large ticket purchases. #Adulting like a champ!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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24 responses to “Sunday Post: Summer!

  1. Yay! I’m glad you’re finally on summer break. It sounds like graduation day was an emotional day for you. That’s so sweet that you are so attached to your students though. $9000 for an AC unit? WOW. That’s a lot of money. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It does not sound like a fun expenditure at all, but it’s a necessity too, so what can you do.
    I hope you enjoy the books you received for review. Lots of romantic goodies there! πŸ™‚

    • I love my students so much! 4 years of watching them grown into amazing young men and women is just wonderful. Seeing them leave the nest…so hard!! Honestly, some of them spent more time with me than their actual parents!
      Yeah, home ownership comes with a lot of shocking expenses but I am okay with spending money on my house. Its an investment. Still, it was a bit of shock!

  2. Enjoy your summer! I had planned to be a teacher so I could have summers off with my kids…but then my career path took a detour and I ended up in social work…for thirty years. I love retirement best of all. LOL. With blogging and writing.

    Reminders of the costs of home repairs reinforce my decision to rent, after I sold my house (just as the real estate market was headed downward). I got out in time…but didn’t want to risk another buy.

    Enjoy your books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Yes, home ownership is so costly! But, I love my home for my big yard (and my big dogs!).
      I wasn’t a teacher at first! My bachelors degree was in History and I worked for an insurance company! Then I realized teaching was the career for me. Summers off are just the cherry! But I am super excited for retirement…sadly I have another 20 years before I hit my 30 year teaching mark. Oh well!

  3. Yikes that stuff is so expensive isn’t it? My AC went out a couple years ago too and we spent around $3k I think it was. If we would have had to do the furnace too it would have been probably the same- just crazy. And yay for graduation but yes I can imagine that would be bittersweet!

    Hope you have a fantastic week!

  4. 9k?!!! That’s insane!!! Hopefully, the bills really lower. Awww! That really sounds bitter-sweet! At least you had good years with the students and your co-worker and you cherished them πŸ™‚
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

  5. Much relief must come with the end of the school year, and yet I can understand why it is also a sad time. So many goodbyes. My daughter still has a couple more weeks of school left. She’s mostly sad about it–afraid she won’t see any of her classmates again and already missing her teacher. Of course, she’s just in kindergarten and will likely see all of them in one way or another next year, but I know where she’s coming from. She’s not a fan of change–but how many people really are?

    I am sorry to hear about the AC/furnace bill. Ugh. I hope you do see a decrease in your monthly utility bill though! There has to be some silver-lining somewhere.

    I hope you have a wonderful summer, Samantha! Enjoy your upcoming vacation.

  6. That song “School’s out for summer”… is in my head now. So happy for you.

    Gosh you’re not the only one with AC troubles. Sorry, hope that resolves soon because it’s getting to be pretty warm.

    Hope you have a great week!

  7. What a bummer on the AC and bittersweet on graduation, it can be hard to let go when you’ve developed a bond with your students.
    I’m stopping by as part of #getsocial17 and I look forward to reading more πŸ™‚

  8. 9k? That’s a lot! We barely use our AC a couple of weeks a year if its that hot, Mediterranean weather rocks.
    I still have a month till school’s out but I’ll have the same students next year so I won’t be that emotions but it’s always bittersweet when a year comes to an end..

  9. That sure sounds like an emotional week for you. Thankfully uou have the summer to get used to these changes. πŸ˜‰
    9k? Wow.. That is a lot of money. I would totally be all over the place if I had to pay so much money at ones.
    Enjoy your free time. Have a great week and happy reading!

  10. Oh my gosh that stinks on the AC. Mine did that a few years back and the new one was awful. I ended up just getting window units and they work better than the huge pricey one we had to install that breaks every 4 months. Crazy!

    I totally would have cried, too! That’s very bittersweet. But so awesome to see them graduate.

    herding cats & burning soup recently posted: Tasty Delights-- Texas Caviar
  11. Sounds like a pretty emotional week – saying goodbye to both students and a co-worker. And *ouch* on the new AC/furnace bill! Oh my gosh, that’s steep. And right before your big trip. Ugh. At least it’s taken care of and you shouldn’t have to worry about it for a long, long time. Hooray for winning the book from Corinne Michaels! I have the Kindle version and have been meaning to read it for ages!

  12. RO

    Sounds like you and Kim from over at Caffeinated ran into the same problem. Why in the world do AC units go out when we need them the most? Congrats on your kids graduating, and it’s awesome that you’re a teacher. Hugs…RO

  13. Omg I’m jealous!!! Good for you Sam! I didn’t know you were a special ed teacher! My favorite kinda teacher πŸ™‚ I would have cried too loosing students and friends is tough. UGH 9K! I know what you mean. Unfortunately my house gets me in debts almost as much as my kids! But, hey.. Summer! Your trip is almost here!

  14. School’s out! I still find it hard to cotton on to the fact that you guys have a long Summer vacation which is… NOW! While here in the southern hemisphere we are huddling down to our heaters and school is definitely still in! πŸ™‚

    I can understand how being a teacher is an emotional rollercoaster! And you can’t spend that much time with kids and not get attached, right? Sorry about your co-worker friend leaving. πŸ™

    Seems like everyone’s AC units are struggling! I know so many people who are trying to sort theirs out!

    Hope you enjoy all the new books!

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