#SundayPost: Christmas is the BEST

Posted December 23, 2018 in Roundup Tags:

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  • #BestOf2018 posts start on Christmas day!

This Week’s New Releases:

What I Found Online:

This dad is AWESOME!

This Week’s Book Haul:

I won a prize from Anne at Books of my Heart and it arrived this week! Look at these amazing books she sent me!!!

Thanks to Harlequin for this copy:And Thanks to the authors and publishers for my ARC copies this week:

Non-Bookish News:

Merry Christmas!! This is by far my favorite holiday. I love winter and decorations and everything Christmas-y! As a Catholic, I also have profound love for the Christian meaning of the holiday. This is one of the holier holidays in the Christian year and probably the most understood by all Christians. Did you know that the Christmas season doesn’t end until Epiphany, which is on January 6th? Christmas is also a Holy day of Obligation; every Sunday is a day of Obligation, plus a few other Feast days (Assumption of Mary, All Saints Day, Holy Thursday, Immaculate Conception of Mary, and Solemnity of Mary). Are you enjoying your bit of Catholic education?? πŸ™‚

In that vein, my principal decided we shouldn’t return to school on the 3rd. The Epiphany is a Sunday so its already a Holy day of Obligation. So, we get an extra couple of days and don’t go back until January 7th! Perk of private school-we can do whatever we want with the schedules! Woohoo! We once took a day off for the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day game.

I’m hoping to relax and unwind during my break. Things have been STRESSFUL at work. We have been short teachers so everyone is having to do more than normal. Kids have reached the time of year they start to get comfortable in their bad habits and we have to start cracking down. So, a 2 week break is just what we need to recharge and come back ready for the second half of the year. January through May is tough because there are very few breaks so its a long haul!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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11 responses to “#SundayPost: Christmas is the BEST

  1. My kiddo goes back to school on the 8th Jan but that’s just standard over here… Two weeks (minimum) at Christmas and Easter. 1 week breaks in Feb, May and October. 6/7 Weeks off at the summer. It’s a nightmare when work doesn’t provide that much leave to cover them all! However, we’re always off at Christmas too so we get a lovely break together.

    I hope you have a lovely Christmastime and have a good stress-free refresh!

    Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted: Weekly Update #40
  2. I’m glad they arrived and hope you enjoy them. See and you made it look pretty for the picture. I am not good with that or graphics. I am so happy for your break and a chance to do some things for yourself, see family and friends and hopefully even do some reading. Merry Christmas! Have a great holiday break. Anne – Books of My Heart

    Anne recently posted: The Three Beths by Jeff Abbott
  3. Enjoy this well deserved holiday Samantha! And you are so right about the kids as I am witnessing this with my still in high school daughter. Merry Christmas

  4. Merry Christmas!!! I love this time of year for sure, I am LDS so Christmas means a lot to me too. Thanks for the Catholic education, its always good to learn about other faiths and their celebrations. Hope you have a wonderful time with your loved ones.

  5. I love Christmas! And for the Christian reasons too. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing your faith!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    Oh my gosh that poor dad lol. He’s lucky he didn’t pull something *snort*

  6. Congratulations on the book win! Free stuff is always awesome. My family always followed the whole season for Christmas thing. My grandfather was actually training to be a priest in Poland before he had to leave for WWII and was captured by the Germans. I had him and my Catholic school education to thank for all my religion (and yes, I like religion). I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a lovely break.

    Sam@wlabb recently posted: Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post
  7. Merry Christmas! That’s great you get a very nice long break. I hope you can de-stress and enjoy yourself. Not much new. I’ve got family visiting for Christmas and I’m hosting Christmas day dinner, so lots to prepare and cook. ^_^ Reading’s been slow, but it always is once November hits. I get into a holiday mind frame and just bing TV and don’t read as much. Well have a great week! Happy Reading!

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