A Love Catastrophe by Helena Hunting

Posted June 15, 2023 in review Tags:

A Love Catastrophe by Helena HuntingA Love Catastrophe by Helena Hunting
Pages: 331
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: PUCKED Up, Pucked Over, Forever Pucked, The Good Luck Charm, Handle With Care, A Lie for a Lie, A Favor for a Favor, A Secret for a Secret, When Sparks Fly
Amazon iBooks Audible

Opposites attract in this outrageously funny romantic comedy by the New York Times bestselling author of Meet Cute, featuring a sunny cat trainer and her handsome new client with a cat from hell.
Kitty Hart is living her dream as a professional cat sitter and trainer—yes, cats can be trained. When she gets a call from a potential new client who needs emergency help with a particularly difficult to handle cat, Kitty is up for the challenge. But she wasn’t prepared for the dog‑loving, cat‑hating client.
Miles Thorn is just trying to keep it together. Between a new job and his estranged mother who winds up in the hospital, being left to deal with her less than friendly Sphynx cat, Prince Francis, is the last thing he needed. Besides he’s a dog person and clearly hates him, so he enlists the help of The Kitty Whisperer to care for Prince Francis.
While Kitty and Miles get off to a hissy start, they soon discover they have more in common than they think. But is it enough to be prevent a love cat‑astrophe?

A Love Catastrophe had such a unique premise: the cat whisperer meets the cat hater. The book is filled with awkward encounters and banter that is, I think, classic Helena Hunting!

I feel that saying Kitty likes cats is way underselling her love of cats. But, with a name like Kitty, I also feel that she didn’t have a whole lot of options. Both Kitty and Miles have some parent issues they are working through, and that allows them to bond, even though Miles is NOT a cat person. It might seem like an opposites attract thing, but honestly, outside from his dislike of cats, they really did have a lot in common. There isn’t really any angst or drama throughout the story. Its fluffy (get it, cause of the cats) and sweet. If you are looking for a easy read, with some laughs, and romance, A Love Catastrophe is a good pick. For me, it was a little boring; but, I am a dog person.


Overall: three-half-stars

lighter romances like those by Meghan Quinn, Ilsa Madden Mills, Max Monroe…then you will probably like A Love Catastrophe!

A Love Catastrophe

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