Fallen Crest University by Tijan: Review

Posted March 18, 2016 in review Tags: ,

Fallen Crest University by Tijan: ReviewFallen Crest University by Tijan
Pages: 286

Series: Fallen Crest #5
Genres: New Adult
Also in this series: Fallen Fourth Down
Also by this author: Fallen Fourth Down, Anti-Stepbrother, Cole, Eye Candy, The Boy I Grew Up With, Bennett Mafia, Teardrop Shot, The Insiders, The Damaged , The Revenge, My Anti-Hero
Amazon iBooks

Fallen Crest is back with a vengeance!

Samantha, Mason, and Logan are all together and united with one common enemy: Sebastian Park, the king of fraternity douchebags.

With professional football scouts eyeing his every move, Mason Kade has to walk the line for the first time in his life. Any move he makes against Sebastian has to be perfect and under the radar. One mistake, and his career is over.

Sebastian has other plans. Mason’s career isn’t his target—not even close. Wanting to destroy Mason completely, Sebastian knows he must hit him where it hurts the most: Samantha, who doesn’t give a rat’s ass that she’s the target.

Sam is bound and determined to protect Mason herself, no matter the cost, but what if the cost is beyond her imagination? What if this time, the villain wins?

Fallen Crest University

what i think

No one does teenage angst and drama like Tijan. The entire fallen crest series is this super angsty, overly dramatic, soap opera-esque affair. I love every minute of it!

Fallen Crest University brings Samantha, Mason, and Logan back together at the same school (yay!). Mason already has beef with Park Sebastian so now Logan and Sam do as well. Like the rest of the series, Fallen Crest University is full of secrets, betrayal, lies, and a seriously messed up family tree. You have to read these in order. There is way too much that has happened in the past that leads up to where they are now to not read it. I super love the over-the-top way Sam and Mason love each other. #SoGodDamnMuch I’m dying to know who Logan ends up with, though!


  • POV: Dual (even a chapter from Logan’s POV!)
  • Tears: No
  • Trope: College, Star Crossed Lovers, Revenge
  • Triggers: None
  • Cliffhanger: No
  • HEA: View Spoiler »

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The Hashtag Series by Cambria Hebert, Driven by K. Bromberg, Assumption by Aurora Rose Reynolds…then you will probably like Fallen Crest University

where to get it

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Other Books in the Series

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I didn’t start writing till later in life. I hope I’m doing it right, and if not, I’ll continue to keep trying! Nothing special about me. I’ve got an English Cocker that I absolutely adore, a man I couldn’t be without, and this insatiable need to keep writing the words, all the words!

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