Bennett Mafia by Tijan

Posted March 5, 2019 in review Tags: , ,

Bennett Mafia by TijanBennett Mafia by Tijan
Pages: 395

Genres: Romantic Suspense
Setting: Canada
Source: ARC
Also by this author: Fallen Fourth Down, Fallen Crest University, Anti-Stepbrother, Cole, Eye Candy, The Boy I Grew Up With, Teardrop Shot, The Insiders, The Damaged , The Revenge, My Anti-Hero

WTF did I just read!? Bennett Mafia was a total mind fuck at times (and I mean that in a good way)! Riley had a crappy childhood that has led her to her current profession. She has never forgotten her former BFF, Brooke Bennett. When Brooke goes missing, Riley is surprised, but she hasn’t spoken to her in years. Her brothers are determined to find her and are willing to kill anyone in their way.

Riley is part damaged girl part badass. She is a study in contradictions and that is amplified by her weird, Stockholm Syndrome like attraction to Kai Bennett. Kai is NOT a good guy. He isn’t a good guy deep down under a rough exterior either. His life as the head of the Bennett Mafia is everything Riley has been working against. But, he is hot and Riley isn’t dead…. At first, that was really all there was between them: deep hatred and hot lust. But, this is one complex story in more ways than just the relationship between Kai and Riley.

Mystery, danger, action, deception, and serious heat collide throughout Bennett Mafia story and I couldn’t seem to put it down. I just had to know-Where was Brooke? What is Kai up to? What will Riley do? And the most pressing question of all-will we get more Bennett Mafia books!?!



The Eagle Elite series by Rachel Van Dyken, The Devil’s Night series by Penelope Douglas, All the Rage by TM Frazier …then you will probably like Bennett Mafia!


Bennett Mafia


From Bennett Mafia:

I woke in a bed with the softest sheets I’d ever felt, and drool. So much drool.

It took a second for me to catch up, but once I did, I bolted upright with a gasp.

It was pitch-black outside.

Glass doors. The same modern bedroom with an entire apartment just beyond the doorway and the soft glow of a light on in the other room.

I was in Kai Bennett’s room, in his bed.

Could I close my eyes, go back to sleep, and wake up in Oz? Was that an option? I’d take it in a second if so.

The sound of a page turning came from the next room. Then I heard a chair push back.

Soft footsteps came until he stood in the doorway.

The light was on behind him, casting him in full shadow, so I couldn’t see any details except his very trim and toned silhouette.

Why’d someone so evil have to be that good looking?

“Why’d you take me?” I shifted to a sitting position, pulling the sheets around me and noting that I was in a different shirt and wore boxer briefs over my underwear. He’d changed my clothes.

That was low on the list of problems, but… “Where are my clothes?”

He let out a soft and tired-sounding sigh. “You stumbled going into your room and hit your head. My brother didn’t notice the blood trickling down your back, but my guards did. They alerted me.” He nodded. “Your clothes were bloody. They had to be changed.”

Now that he mentioned it, my head was pounding.

I touched the back of my head and hissed, feeling a large bruise. The fact that I hadn’t noticed that spoke volumes. I was too consumed by everything else.

And speaking of that, on to my second question. “What do you know about 411?”

He answered without hesitation, crossing his arms over his chest and propping one shoulder against the doorframe. “I know they helped hide you and your mother. I know they’re relatively new, but they’re effective. They have heavy funders backing them, and I know they set up one man for murder, who is now in prison. I know your employers might mean well right now, but they are dangerous.”

I blinked a few times, taking that in.

I winced on the inside when he mentioned the frame job. That had been an operative who went rogue, but no one fought to defend the guy.

I scowled. “He tried to murder his wife.”

“But he didn’t.”

I snorted. “You’re sticking up for the one slightly innocent monster? You?”

Watch your tone, Riley. You forget who you’re talking to.

I could hear my mother’s voice admonishing me, and I bit my lip as soon as the words were out. It was too late, though. I waited, watching to see if this infamous murdering monster would come toward me now.

He didn’t move, just murmured, “You are not a good enough fighter to speak like that to me.”

That same shiver went up my back. There was a deadly warning in there too.

I swallowed over a lump. “I’m sorry.”

But was I? Was I really?

He had murdered. Cord. His father. Brooke?

I frowned. “You’re looking for Brooke? That’s why you kidnapped me?”

“Among other reasons, yes.” He lifted his head again, straightening from the doorframe and taking a step toward me. Just one step—enough to be imposing, slightly intimidating, but still giving me space to breathe so I didn’t scare away.

He was so measured, so calculating.

“My sister contacted you the day before yesterday. I want to know where she is.”

All the oxygen left the room, and my head started spinning again. “You think—what? No.”

“Yes.” His voice was hard now. Gone was the subtlety. “Brooke asked me to keep tabs on you. She cares about you. You work for a network that specializes in helping people disappear, and I know she was desperate. She went to you; I know this much.”

He took another step toward me.

I sat up straighter, rolling to my knees and then to my heels, ready to spring if I needed to.

Another step.

He squatted next to the bed so he was level with me, and now I could see him. He’d shifted out of the shadows, and I saw how fierce his eyes were. They blazed with anger and determination.

His perfect lips barely moved as he grated out, “You will tell me where she is.”

I swallowed again. The lump in my throat had doubled in size.

He wasn’t going to take no, but I had to try. “Before I saw your sister on the news, I hadn’t really heard much from her since you drove her away from Hillcrest. I swear to you that’s the truth.”

His eyes narrowed. “I know you know where she is, but don’t worry. If you won’t tell me, I know others who will.” He stood abruptly and went back to the main room.

I scrambled out of bed and padded after him.

I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. I don’t think anyone could’ve been.

I thought he had been reading a book, maybe looking over files for his business. I’d been sleeping in his bed, and he was waiting with a glass of wine beside a fire. Something cozy like that.

I was so wrong.

As I got to the doorway, I saw them, and someone started screaming.

It was me.

About Tijan

Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and the Broken and Screwed Series among others. She is currently writing a new standalone Anti-Stepbrother, due out August 22nd along with so many more from north Minnesota where she lives with a man she couldn’t be without and an English Cocker she adores.

To find what to read next of hers, go to

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2 responses to “Bennett Mafia by Tijan

  1. Dang! That excerpt is certainly a hook! I’m glad you enjoyed this one, Samantha. I love books like this but I haven’t read a single book from Tijan. I’m thinking of starting here. 😉

  2. I love Tijan and I’m obsessed with Bennett Mafia. Absolutely captivating, I just couldn’t stop reading it. Even though there’s definitely a bit of Stockholm Syndrome. 😉

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