Rooter: Review

Posted November 5, 2015 in review Tags: ,

Rooter: ReviewRooter by Teiran Smith
Pages: 409
Genres: New Adult

At twenty one, Sophie has already endured enough pain and heartache to last two lifetimes. All she wants to do is create a normal, comfortable life for herself. She goes to college, works part-time, and leads a quiet, ordinary routine.
So why is she so obsessed with Rooter, the alleged “vicious criminal” next door? She watches as he comes and goes. Watches him play with his pit bull. Watches him hang out in his backyard with other alleged criminals.
When Sophie’s roommate, Mike, attacks her in a fit of jealous rage, Rooter comes to her rescue. Sophie quickly falls for Rooter, but he makes it clear she’s better off without him. He’s the worst kind of guy—Dangerous—and she’s a good girl.
When she’s attacked yet again, Rooter swoops in and saves her and finally admits his feelings for her. They embark on a passionate relationship, but his secrecy, controlling tendencies, and crazy ex-friend-with-benefits threaten to tear them apart.
Just when it seems things can't get any worse, Sophie is accused of a brutal crime that pits Rooter against her. When Mike’s infatuation turns into a deadly obsession, will he be there to save her?

[warning]I curse a lot in this review![/warning]

Teiran Smith

what i thinkPOV: 1st (Sophie)
Trope: Bad Boy/Good Girl
So, Rooter is an interesting book for me to rate. As I am reading it, I was like “Oh hell no! This guy is an asshat. Why the hell is she so obsessed with him? Why does she put up with his shit?”. Yet I kept reading. And then the crazy ex stuff starts and again I’m like “WTF!? Girl you need to leave NOW!”. And then, near the end he does something that made me want to throw my kindle. And I love my kindle. And yet, I kept reading. I finished this book in 1 sitting because I couldn’t stop. I was annoyed with Sophie, and I hated ‘Rooter’ and his stupid ass name, but I devoured this book. This is like a soap opera there is so much drama, angst, danger, skanky exes, and psychos. So, even with me not really liking Sophie and Rooter, this book was too engaging to put down. Now do you see why I have a hard time rating it? If I was rating it on plot alone, it would be a 5 star. But, if I were rating the characters, it would be a 2 star. But, I kept reading so that tells you how sucked in to this story I was! Will I read the next one? I am torn. Its from Rooter’s POV and I am not sure I want to be in that asshat’s head. But, I will probably not be able to stop myself. This book is like crack. Or really good European chocolate. You know you shouldn’t indulge but you will anyway!

if you liked

Owned by the Bad Boy by Vanessa Waltz, Maverick by L. Wilder, or other MC books that are full of DRAMA!

where to get it

Amazon (#Free on KU)


Author of the Double H Romance Series. Teiran’s debut novel, ROOTER (Book one of the series) is now available!

Teiran’s days are filled with writing. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. She can get so lost in a story, be it one of her own or someone else’s, that she won’t even break away to eat, drink, or take a bathroom break. By the time Teiran gets up from a story, she’s usually dizzy from low blood sugar, suffering blurred vision, and hunched over from a painfully full bladder. It’s safe to say the written word is her life.

Whenever Teiran’s not writing or reading, you will find her working out, enjoying outdoor photography, partaking in a little wine (okay, okay… a lot) with good friends.

Teiran resides in Grand Haven, Michigan with her husband, Scott, and their four legged child, Sasha.

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