The Seduction by Shay Savage: Review

Posted June 14, 2016 in review Tags: ,

The Seduction by Shay Savage: ReviewThe Seduction by Shay Savage
Pages: 131
Series: Unexpected Circumstances #2
Genres: Historical Romance
Also in this series: The Handmaid, The Consummation, The Shortcoming, The Concubine
Also by this author: Caged: Takedown Teague, Trapped, Released, The Handmaid, The Consummation, The Shortcoming, The Concubine
Amazon iBooks

As Alexandra tries to conform to her new life, she soon discovers that betrayal lies inside the castle walls. When noblewomen plot against her, Alexandra ends up on the receiving end of Branford’s rage. Earning the trust of her wary husband will be no easy task for the young handmaid.

Branford may know his way around their bedchamber, but he’s finding himself ill-prepared to handle the duties of both prince and husband. His missteps bring down the wrath of the queen, and he will have to do everything in his power to atone for his transgressions. Branford must find a way to open his heart to his new wife if either of them has a chance of overcoming the treachery ahead.

The Seduction: Unexpected Circumstances
Shay Savage

what i think

Ok, if you missed my review of book 1, The Handmaid, then you don’t understand my CRAZY obsession with this series. Seriously, I have considered going to Shay Savage’s house and stealing the rest of the series so I can have it now. But, my husband says thats not acceptable. He just doesn’t get it.

So, the Seduction picks up where the Handmaid left off-Alexandra and Branford are married, she is still terrified and lost, and he is still not getting her at all. Enter the mean girls! Even in olden times there were mean girls. Kimberly and Nelle play a horrible prank on Alexandra and Branford immediately thinks the worst of his wife. Thankfully, the queen steps in and makes him see the error of his ways. They slowly begin to get to know each other and to try and understand each other. And they still haven’t consummated their marriage yet. Talk about slow burn people!!!


  • POV: 1st (Alexandra)
  • Tears: I did cry for Alexandra!
  • Trope: historical romance
  • Triggers: none
  • Series/Standalone: series (must be read in order!)
  • Cliffhanger: yes! Gah!
  • HEA: ?

if you liked

The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah Maclean, Luck is no Lady by Amy Sandas…then you will probably like The Seduction!

where to get it

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Other Books in the Series


Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker, and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys science fiction movies, masquerading as a zombie, is a HUGE Star Wars fan, and member of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. When the geek fun runs out, she also loves soccer in any and all forms – especially the Columbus Crew, Arsenal and Bayern Munich – and anxiously awaits the 2014 World Cup. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.

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One response to “The Seduction by Shay Savage: Review

  1. It doesn’t look like there was much seduction if they still haven’t consummated haha!
    I do love the sound of this series though, especially how slow burn the romance is! I love those. Hopefully, they do it in the book. LOL.

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