Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [18 Sep] When the Dead Come A Knockin' by B.L. Brunnemer ★★★★
- [19 Sep] Drawn to Him: A Romance Collection by Willow Winters, M. Never, L.J. Shen, A. Zavarelli
- [19 Sep] The Outskirts by T.M. Frazier ★★★★½
- [20 Sep] Running into Love by Aurora Rose Reynolds ★★★★
- [21 Sep] Archangel's Viper by Nalini Singh ★★★★½
- [23 Sep] Cover of Night by Laura Griffin ★★★
What’s Coming Up:
- Night’s Caress by Mary Hughes
- CORPs security in Hope Town Kindle World
- Maybe This Christmas by Jennifer Snow
- Hail No by Lani Lynn Vale
- Too Beautiful to Break by Tessa Bailey
- Long Tall Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown
- Racer by Katy Evans
This Week’s New Releases:
What I Found Online:
- Renee at Addicted to Romance (on of my fav blogs!) does the Beauty and the Beast book tag and my TBR exploded!
- Remember the baby hippo, Fiona? She is at my city’s zoo so we still get all kinds of cute videos of her. And here is one of her farting!!
This Week’s Book Haul:
Non-Bookish News:
Its been crazy hot this week. Like 90 degrees every day. Its nuts. Its suppose to stay that hot until Friday of next week. I’m over it already!
My hubby and I got our new phones on Friday (iPhone 8). So far, its not any different than my iPhone 7, except it has more storage. This is good for me because audiobooks take up some serious space! I think the biggest changes are really iOS 11 and not the phone at all. I probably wouldn’t have bothered except we get yearly upgrades anyway.
It was a busy week at work. Lots of meetings and trying to get paperwork done. Having ETRs and IEPs due at the beginning of the year is super tough! Plus, we don’t have a school psychologist at our building. She does everything remotely, which means more work for us to gather the information necessary. Its tough and stressful.
Pretty boring week overall. Guess boring is better than tragic!
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

Yes boring not tragic! I totally agree! My phone is a 7 and it’s asking for an upgrade, I was scared to do it but I might do it before the kids do it to theirs.
I hope you have a great week, Samantha! Happy Reading! ox
I actually like the iOS 11 update. It brings some nice features!
It’s been hot?! Can’t believe it! We’ve had good weather, but like… “nice-good”. Just sunny, but autumny. So not hot 🙂
This week I read The Rules of Magic. It was great! And I’ve also signed up for Sci-Fi month 🙂 that makes me happy! Will be reading a lot of that for November. Also, there is a funny story on my Sunday post, we had a ridiculous Friday evening 😀 although I haven’t checked my blog for comments yet – maybe you’ve already seen that story! 🙂
Anyway. Have a great week 🙂
I did read your story and it was GREAT! So awesome!
It’s been hot for the last two days. I’m really ready for the cooler temps any time now. Enjoy all those really good looking books!
Happy reading and thanks for stopping by. 🙂
That’s hilarious about Fiona! And it’s been hot here too, 90’s as well. And muggy. Ready for a little more fall-like weather lol.
I always hate switching phones but it’s always worth it after it’s done.
Hope your reads are good this week. 🙂
Aw! Baby Fiona. So adorable. 🙂 The new iPhones have been in the news a lot lately. I have an iPhone for work, but definitely prefer my personal cell (Samsung Edge). The screen is cracked though and so I’m trying to patiently wait for our contract to be up so I can get a replacement. Luckily the crack isn’t too awful. I can still read the screen just fine. It sounds like you had a good week overall. As you said, boring over tragic will win every time. Your new books look good! I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!
At least it was a boring week instead of stressful or some disaster ocurring. It’s actually been nice. The weather has cooled down her in CA. My mom though who’s in Indiana has had over 90 degree weather for the past week. The week has been slow and boring for us too. Nothing new to report. Have a great week!
The weather is steamy hear but we are supposed to get down to around low 80s by next weekend. It was a busy work week for me but nothing much new happened. I hope next week is less stressful for you at work and you get to enjoy some new reads:)
It seems like everywhere in the world today is suffering from a heat stroke. DOn’t worry, fall is coming and it’ll cool down soon! Have a great week!
It’s been hot in TX too. It’s like the weather is getting revenge on us for having a mild summer. Meh.
At least I’m not the only one who’s having busy weeks 😉
Hope you have a great week!
Can’t wait to hear what you think about Racer – I saw it as a pre-order at the library but am somewhat hit-or-miss with Katy Evan’s books. I also picked–up Womanizer on sale and will be giving it a read soon. 🙂
Stay cool!!! We’ve also had unusually warm weather in Minneapolis – can’t wait to get rid of these 90 degree days!! (even though I’m sure it’ll start snowing by the end of October. Ugh.)
The weather has been SO hot right, it feels more like july than the end of September. I love Katy Evan’s books though so I am looking forward to Racer. Just bought Womanizer since it was on sale. I am glad that you got some great recs from my post the other day. Please let me know what you think of them. I just know that you will love them.
You are SO productive, Sam. Lots of books reviewed a week. Awesome. Yay, so happy for you for the new phone. I just got mine two weeks ago and I love it. I’m not a huge fan of cellphone but I love listening to podcasts so it really helps.
I hope you have a wonderful week filled with awesome books. Happy reading, my friend. ?❤️
This weather is unacceptable for this time of year. It was like 90s this weekend in NJ. I hate it! Fiona is so adorable. did they do a live cam when she was being born? They were obsessed with the giraffe at work. Stay cool and good luck with all your paperwork.
It’s been in the 90s here too, but I don’t mind. I always prefer summer weather to winter weather (or even fall). Ironically, my son just came downstairs in long sleeves and I was like, “Um, I don’t think you want to wear that.” Apparently he hasn’t noticed the weather?
Like you, I am so over the heat! But fall weather in FL is a lot different that fall weather elsewhere. It just means slightly less hot. LOL We’re usually still running the A/C at Thanksgiving. *groan* So envious of the Moonlight Sins ARC by JLA! She’s one of my favorites and I’m seriously excited for that one.
Love the title How to Date a Douchebag! Lol. I had to laugh out loud and sent it to my friend who reads a lot of romance. It also sounds really good too!
This weather is the worst!! We have had those 90 days too, yuck!!
You’re reading a lot of the books that I want to read but am not getting around to. Gah. Still, I look forward to reading your thoughts on the books you’re reading.
That sucks about not having a school psychologist on site so you guys have more work gathering the paperwork. I would hate that. I just got my iPhone 7 so I won’t be getting the 8 anytime soon. I love my phone right now anyway. The heat wave business is not fun at all. I’ve got my fingers crossed that things will cool down for you.
Have a great week, Samantha! Happy reading!