Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
- [1 Aug] #SundayPost: August 1st
- [2 Aug] Claimed by J.R. Ward ★★★★
- [5 Aug] Say Goodbye by Karen Rose ★★★★
- [6 Aug] Red Handed by Kate King, Jessa Wilder ★★★★
- [6 Aug] #FreebieFriday: August 6th

- Gen Pop by Lani Lynn Vale
- Finding Alex by Helen Starbuck
Nothing interesting. Most of my internet surfing was for school stuff.
ARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:
Physical copies thanks to the publishers:
Tomorrow is back to work day. We have in service Monday-Wednesday, then the kids return on Thursday. My school psych told me Friday she is no longer able to be my practicum supervisor. So, I’m scrambling to find another solution. We only have 1 school psych in our district though. 95% of the things I have to do for my practicum are part of my current job, so it’s not a problem to get it done; but someone has to sign off on it. So, that has cause a great deal of stress. Because of the stress, my OCD behaviors are back and I chewed the nail on 3 fingers until they bleed.
This is my last week of summer quarter grad school classes. On Monday they told us we were going to have the in person session on campus in September. That meant I needed to get a flight, reserve a hotel room in the block of suites they have set aside, and all the other travel stuff. Because I like to get things done and crossed off my list, I got it all handled. On Thursday they told us it was cancelled. If you have ever tried to cancel a flight, you know the next part of the story. They will give you a credit in the amount of the flight for use within 1 year. So, I can’t use it for next year’s on campus trip because I have to use it by August 3rd. Also, I’m WAY too broke to travel anywhere for fun, so I’m basically out $500 (cause you don’t get credit for anything but the ticket-cabin/seat upgrades, etc not included in refund).
My lilies bloomed and they are so pretty!
So yeah, it’s not been a great week. But, I got to swim in my pool every day, so at least I have that to look forward to. Sorry I’m such a downer this week-it has just been hard.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

I am furious over here for you. To change from in-person to remote in just a matter of days is rude. Sorry that happened. I was surprised the psychologist at your school backed out. Wasn’t that one of the reasons you went back to your old school? I hope it all works out for you. Good luck back at school!
Thanks-I was super pissed about it. And yes, I stayed at this school because she agreed. Apparently there is a LOT more going on that isn’t being shared. My superintendent came down to see me today and he might have a solution. Fingers crossed!
I’m mad at the psychologist changing her mind at the last minute like that. And then the change between Monday and Thursday is just stupid. Probably too many people said no Covid is up I’m not traveling. but that is al stressful. I really hope it ends up working out better for you in the end. Have a good back to school week.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Thanks! I was just one of those weeks where the hits kept coming!
Oh wow. Your week really wasn’t great. I hope you find someone to sign off on your practicum hours.
I would definitely complain about the school’s change of plans, for what it’s worth. It was kind of a last-minute flight in the first place and then to cancel it so quickly after the announcement? Not cool. Maybe you can find a cheap getaway to use your flight. I find great deals on TravelZoo.
I hope this week is better for you.
I’m hoping my husband and I will be able to take a small trip somewhere with the credit.
Damn Samantha that seems to have been a stressful week and school has not begun yet! Sending positive and relaxing vibes!
Thanks!! I need all the positive and relax I can get!
oh wow Samantha. Such a rough week. My heart goes out to you. And yes trying to cancel a flight is the worst. I really hate they won’t give you a refund. Especially since many ppl don’t travel using them all that often. I understand about the anxiety and biting nails. Its why I have acrylics haha
I tried acrylics many years ago when my mom and grandma would get so frustrated over my biting. But I had an allergic reaction to an ingredient in some part of the process so that was out. Oh well!
Oh my goodness, what a stressful week. Losing the supervisor and scrambling to find another. And them cancelling the in-person session? Ugh! Sorry it’s been so tough. Thank goodness for those pool days.
Yes, the pool has been my bright spot!
Nice to see you enjoyed Say Goodbye as well!
Bummer about the cancellation. Hopefully you’ll be able to use it on a fun trip instead. Your lilies look pretty and yay for pool days!
What craziness! So sorry you had such a bad week. Hopefully things will work out for you finding a new practicum supervisor and fingers-crossed that it’s a good, supportive, and helpful one. I had one good one and one not so good one when I went through my practicum and internship for school counseling. I could have done without the not so good one. Enjoy all those wonderful books from your book haul!
I hope you were able to find someone to sign off on your work! That sounds stressful. And I’m so sorry about having to cancel your flight. That really sucks.
On the bright side, those are beautiful flowers! Hope you had a better week!