#SundayPost: January 19th

Posted January 19, 2025 in review Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   She Doesn’t Have a Clue by Jenny Elder Moke
  •   Power of Persuasion by Stacey Abrams/Selena Montgomery
  •   The King’s Maiden by Elle Parker

eARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

Queens and Monsters: Mafia/cartel arranged marriage stand-alone romance (BRUTAL VOWS Book 4)It Takes a Psychic (A Harmony Novel Book 18)Realm of Thieves (Thieves of Dragemor Book 1)Courtroom Drama: A Novel

I had work all 5 days this week. That was rough! Friday and Saturday were actually comparatively warm-40’s! So, the snow is mostly melted, but then it rained too, so everything is wet. Monday-Wednesday we are getting a super cold front, so everything will freeze again.

Monday is MLK day here in the states, so no work for me. I will be avoiding the television though, because I do not want to see anything about the inauguration. I’m protecting my peace.

The TikTok ban happened. It’s strange to me because the 1st amendment is a pretty big deal, and this opens some doors that I don’t think should be opened. If the Chinese government is spying on us with TikTok, they certainly aren’t getting national secrets. Also, there are laws to punish those who give away government secrets, and I am sure if that had actually happened, someone would be punished in a very public way. Thirst traps, recipes, books, and people giving “hot takes” that are just boring is pretty much all that happens on TikTok. Is that what we are protecting from the government?? And, now everyone is doing away with fact checking. As an educator, this is concerning because students see something shared by someone they know (family, friends, etc) and believe it without question. We teach them to how to verify info, but they don’t question it if it comes from mom and dad. Sigh.

Only a month until I leave for Seattle for a School Psychologist conference! I’m very excited. First, I love education conferences. I went to the National Science Teacher Association conference in 2010 and loved it! Second, I get to see my grad school friends! We did an online program, but got really close. We shared an AirBNB when we went to Spokane during our program and we have been friends for 2 years since graduation! I love them!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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5 responses to “#SundayPost: January 19th

  1. I totally agree with you on TikTok and the 1st amendment. To me we are being like the country we are worried about by our government telling us what to do. Not to mention, what really important info do they think China gets from TikTok? We have Monday off and I’m hoping it’s so cold we get Tuesday off too! lol. I love professional conferences too! The annual state librarian one is in April, and I already got my school to pay for me to go. This year the American Association of School Librarians conference is in my state, the other side, but still. I’m going to go for sure! Hoping I can get my school to pay for the hotel. I can’t get them to pay for the conference most likely because I want to register this month when I can save $100. Hope you enjoy your conference when you go!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #207 – January 19th, 2025
  2. I’m not watching anything tomorrow either. I’m not that interested in Tiktok but I’m pretty sure Trump sold sensitive information and didn’t get punished for it. Love for you that you are going to Seattle and getting to see those friends.

  3. Fact checking is so important Samantha. I taught that to my kids and that’s why I loathe witch hunts on social media as most of the time people believe what others say about authors and books without having first hand facts.

  4. I try to stay away from the news since the orange one was re-elected. I just can’t. It is disturbing that Zuckerberg doesn’t care about fact checking anymore. I’m very rarely on Facebook, but I am on Instagram. I don’t like this new development. Hope you enjoy your time in Seattle! Such a neat city!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #280

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